• Part of our news team included a cameraman who was a former military sniper, a radio host who was there for the first Gulf War, a translator who was also an oncologist with a medical pass, and a driver who was also a former driver for the UN weapons inspection team (who also loved Elvis).

    FORBES: Remembering the Road to Baghdad

  • Armstrong is a medical oncologist at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center in Baltimore.

    NPR: Breast-Cancer Drop Attributed to Less Hormone Therapy

  • Brentjens, a medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, and lead author of the study.

    WSJ: Gene Therapy Shows Promise as Cancer Treatment

  • Prior to definitive surgery, you should meet with a medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, geneticist (if you are at risk for the breast cancer gene), and reconstructive surgeon.

    FORBES: Cancer Made Me Nice: An Interview With Survivor Karen Vaniver, MD

  • Dr Michael Seckl, a medical oncologist, and his team at the hospital found that treating cancerous cells with Taxol and stem cell infusion - an advanced form of bone marrow transplantation - was successful.

    BBC: 'Women's cancer drug' offers men hope

  • Philip Kantoff, a urological oncologist at Harvard Medical School and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, is conducting a big clinical trial that should firmly establish whether and how much Provenge helps patients.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "Radiation is now as good as surgery, and that wasn't the case 15 years ago, " says Daniel Shasha, a radiation oncologist at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York.

    FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

  • "I think that Avastin's a good drug, and I think we just need to figure out whom to give it to, " says Melody A. Cobleigh , an oncologist at Rush Medical College in Chicago who worked on the trial.

    FORBES: Why Cancer Drugs Need Genetic Testing

  • "They say, 'Well, we'll tell her it's just a cold, or it's just a virus, or we'll tell her she'll have surgery and then everything will be fine, '" said Dr. Lawrence Wolfe, a pediatric hematologist-oncologist at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New York.

    CNN: 'Honey, you're really sick'

  • But the approval may not be a sure thing, according to Daniel Petrylak, an oncologist at Columbia University Medical Center, because Dendreon's studies did not meet their main pre-specified goal: a slowing of tumor progression.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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