Medical staff who examined photographs suggest it is human placenta which could be two weeks old.
Clarity is equally important for the medical staff who will be handling these difficult situations.
All but one of the healthcare professionals thought that medical staff should discuss psychosexual issues.
There will never be enough medical staff - we need more surgeons and specialists.
An investigation has been launched by the police along with health officials and medical staff.
Medical staff, demonstrating in Exeter earlier, believe the plan would cause staff shortages and endanger patients.
Fortunately, the coaches and medical staff have been brilliant and they haven't rushed me.
If Kuwait's medical staff can save him, Ali will still have a psychological struggle to overcome.
Israel is sending an army rescue unit, including engineers, doctors and other medical staff.
There had been financial problems and some medical staff said they had no faith in management.
Granderson said the team medical staff was happy with follow-up X-rays taken on Tuesday.
Furloughed workers could include office staff, aircraft and ship maintenance workers, teachers and medical staff.
There needed to be "clearer arrangements" for escalating concerns and medical staff needed further education.
An off-duty paramedic and workers in three ambulances were among medical staff at the scene.
Medical staff said Azarenka had timeouts for treatment of left knee and rib injuries.
The family also thanked medical staff and the Sikh community for including Murphy in prayers.
CNN: At service, Holder calls Sikh temple shooting a hate crime
If Baghdad's medical staff can save him, Ali will still have a psychological struggle to overcome.
Malawi, which exports a lot of nurses, should of course worry that it lacks medical staff.
The players near him on the field motioned frantically to the sidelines for the medical staff.
Tsarnaev is now able to speak and has been interacting with medical staff, spokesman John Colautti said.
Not every NHS Trust has done everything it could to safeguard the safety of its medical staff.
Mourning families were joined by police and politicians, as well as medical staff who attended the victims.
The exodus of trained medical staff had left inexperienced workers trying to provide care, the charity said.
Similarly, military hospitals must have enough medical staff to provide services to active-duty personnel, including the wounded.
The prosecution added that medical staff had been "alarmed by the bruising they saw to his body".
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There are also concerns about the lack of medical staff to treat and educate patients about diabetes.
The inoculation program will also target medical staff and key workers, including police officers, soldiers and quarantine officials.
The trust said it was looking at how Army medical staff could provide support on a temporary basis.
BBC: Health trust considers Army medics to staff Pontefract A&E
Because there is no medical staff on site, the students' parents remain on the premises during the day.
The families of people injured when a hen party's minibus crashed have praised the emergency services and medical staff.