Malcolm Hooper, emeritus professor of medicinal chemistry at the University of Sunderland, is chief scientific adviser to the UK Gulf Veterans' Association.
BBC: UK to aid Iraq DU removal
Dr Mike Threadgill, a Reader in Medicinal Chemistry from the University of Bath, said that while aiming for PARG instead was "less fashionable", it was certainly interesting.
BBC: Pine cone source for stroke drug
In partnership with the Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance (Sulsa), the University of Dundee will place a team of drug discovery scientists at BioCity to conduct screening and medicinal chemistry activities for the project.
BBC: Scottish consortium wins ?100m drug research contract
For example the pharmaceutical industry is increasingly drawing on India's advanced but comparatively inexpensive medicinal chemistry capabilities, while simultaneously harnessing China's manufacturing power and utilizing specialty services unique to particular geographies, such as Vietnam's expertise in tropical diseases.