Do things that will help refuel your brain, like eat, exercise, meditate, nap, listen to music.
But by learning to meditate you can bring that mountain experience to your flat in London.
On Lift, popular habits among its users include Floss, Sleep by Midnight, Run, Eat Breakfast, and Meditate.
He said he headed to the beach one day to meditate and seek divine guidance for his life.
In such cases, cease and desist with the heart attack-inducing displays on impatience and, I dunno, meditate or something?
People say the hardest part about meditating is finding the time to meditate.
Or, maybe the reason we meditate in the first place is to get out of a dieting and quitting mentality.
You may want to try to meditate or center yourself in stressful situations like these, but never actually remember to do it.
WSJ: Review of Tink�� and HeartMath Inner Balance Sensor for iOS
"Here's a cardiologist telling me to go and meditate, " said Ms. O'Boyle.
It was here, the Bhutanese believe, that Guru Padmasambava, the wizard-saint of Himalayan Buddhism, went to meditate after alighting on his flying tiger.
When I sat down to meditate this morning, relaxing a little more with each out-breath, I was successful in letting all my concerns drift away.
And they just say, just see if you can do it for five minutes, just get an amaryllis and look at the amaryllis, and meditate on the amaryllis.
People who meditate regularly but don't know whether or not their heart and breathing are reacting to their meditations will get some specific answers with these devices and apps.
WSJ: Review of Tink�� and HeartMath Inner Balance Sensor for iOS
What I do remember is that he asked us to take a moment to pull together and meditate or pray for those lost, the country and for those there.
While many companies offer their employees gym memberships and healthy snacks, others are now providing space and time for people to take a break from their day and meditate.
FORBES: Close Your Eyes: How Meditation Can Help Your Career
His tunes, says NPR's Neda Ulaby, tend to meditate on the human need for nature and try to counter the postmodern rush of stimuli by presenting scraps of thoughts very simply.
Perhaps we meditate in order to remind ourselves that in a world that is caught up with innovating and rebranding, the human soul does not need to be reinvented or transformed.
The text of the commandments was to have been displayed as part of an advertisement funded by a local businessman - with the slogan "Meditate on these principles to live by".
"All the monastics living at the temple get up at 3.30 am, there's a morning ceremony of lamps, and they sing devotional songs and meditate, then we have a philosophical lecture with a vegetarian meal, then it's a working day for everyone" says Gauri Das.
BBC: 'George Harrison' Bhaktivedanta Manor Hindu temple at 40
However, I also go to the gym every day, take time to play tennis, meditate and go to my recovery support meeting, meet with friends, and have certain times of the day that are off-limits for doing work (unless very extenuating circumstances), namely the evening from when I pick up my daughter at school until when she goes to sleep.