• The new workshop will feature special sessions on paleoseismicity in the Extended Mediterranean Region and site effects.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • As the meeting place of three major cultures, the Mediterranean region is prone to tension and political controversy.


  • The InterParliamentary Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Mediterranean Region.

    UNESCO: World Science Day 2010

  • At the same time, extreme droughts turned forests in Asia, the Mediterranean region, Mexico, Central America, Florida and California into tinderboxes.

    CNN: Global warming may harm human health

  • The participants adopted recommendations for the ratification and implementation of the UNESCO 2001 Convention in the Arab states and Mediterranean region.


  • The Forum will gather Parliamentarians, scientists and journalists form the Mediterranean Region.

    UNESCO: World Science Day 2010

  • Demand outstrips supply: In less the 50 years, the Mediterranean region nearly tripled its demands for ecological resources and services, and increased its ecological deficit by 230 percent.


  • One exception to regional trends: Portugal was the sole country in the Mediterranean region to have significantly narrowed its ecological deficit in recent years (an 18 percent per capita decrease between 1998 and 2008).


  • The workshop on Seismicity and Earthquake Engineering in the Extended Mediterranean Region will be hosted by the University of Malta, and sponsored by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

    UNESCO: Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Responses

  • Important Research Institutes of the Euro-Mediterranean region will participate to the meeting together with UNESCO-IOC which, in response to the tragic Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004, was mandated of coordinating the establishment of the Mediterranean Tsunami Early Warning System.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • Positioned between the Atlantic and Mediterranean this region is a sexy mix of French and Spanish cultures dotted with vestiges of local Roman history.

    FORBES: Re:Cycling in France

  • Meanwhile other Greek cities had established colonies around the western shores of the Mediterranean, the densest region of settlement being in southern Italy and Sicily, which became known as Magna Graecia, or Great Greece.

    WSJ: 'Aladdin's Lamp'

  • However, scientists think this interbreeding could have occurred outside Europe, in the eastern Mediterranean or Middle East region (the area archaeologists call the "Levant"), and quite probably even deeper in time - some 80, 000-90, 000 years or so ago.

    BBC: Last-stand Neanderthals queried

  • And I promised President Obama the renewed intention of Italy to provide not only the necessary resources and women and men for these tasks, but also the knowledge and expertise that Italy may have, as regards particularly some countries in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern region, due to geographic and historical links.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Bilateral Meeting with Prime Minister Mario Monti of Italy | The White House

  • Tuscany is more famous for its inland hits, but the Costa degli Etruschi (Etruscan coast) is where this most beautiful region meets the Mediterranean.

    BBC: Italy��s finest coastlines

  • When talking about Palestine, the speaker is referring to the region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River that includes the Jewish state of Israel and the Palestinian lands of the West Bank and Gaza.

    CNN: Purported bin Laden tape calls Gaza offensive a 'holocaust'

  • Drawing support from the European Commission, the Union for the Mediterranean, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the effort is intended to help fund pilot projects across the region that work towards the Mediterranean Solar Plan adopted in 2008.

    FORBES: Europe Works To Preserve Mediterranean Green Promise

  • Currently the departement (administrative region), stretching from mountainside to shining Mediterranean is officially titled the Pyrenees Orientales.

    BBC: Magazine

  • For one, the benefit against the metabolic syndrome was found mostly in studies conducted in Mediterranean countries, and not in countries outside of that region.

    WSJ: Study Finds More Benefits From the Mediterranean Diet

  • Cyprus is one of a handful of countries in the Eastern Mediterranean with a firm claim on one of the largest natural gas finds in the region, offering access to an estimated 50 to 60 tcf of gas and 1.7 billion barrels of crude in waters off its southeastern coast.

    FORBES: Can Natural Gas Save Cyprus?

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