If an employee needs to be bonded, the candidate must be able to meet that requirement.
But Macy's contends these Martha Stewart shops at Penney don't meet the requirement since they are operated by Penney.
The NRC proposed that plant owners provide reasonable protection for emergency equipment, but did not define how to meet this requirement.
The continuation of her erratic behavior would appear to meet this requirement.
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Technology is now available as a result of the research and development done under the SDI program to meet this requirement quite quickly.
Sir Harry said the daily supplement for young children would help them meet the requirement of 7 to 8.5 micrograms of vitamin D per day.
In North Carolina alone, about 40, 000 homes already meet this requirement.
We know that a static document does not meet this requirement.
It believes most independent schools already meet this requirement.
The company ended up hiring more employees to meet the requirement, but bankruptcy filings would later show that the company was already having financial difficulties even as it was hiring more staff.
Very few companies meet that requirement, says Misek.
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Their standardised system allows them to meet with every requirement in terms of hull shape, sensor suite, systems and regulations.
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Breast milk contains many valuable nutrients but not enough Vitamin D to meet the daily requirement of 200 International Units.
In fact firms may well choose to meet that low requirement, or bring in more, cheaper IT workers for shorter stretches.
If you meet your margin requirement with cash, the account will earn interest, but you won't see it: Your broker will pocket it.
If a taxpayer does not meet this exhaustion requirement, the IRS will consider the foreign taxes to have been voluntarily paid and deny a credit.
The Scottish government is commissioning an independent evaluation of the legislation to meet a parliamentary requirement and six research organisations are involved in the tender for the work.
In particular, according to Orellana, Pacific Rim failed to provide an adequate environmental impact assessment for its proposed mine and did not meet the Salvadoran requirement that mining companies own the land that would be affected by their operations.
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If a company doesn't meet the nexus requirement, the Supreme Court would have to change its opinion-a painstakingly slow and unlikely course of action-or Congress would have to make a revision under the Interstate Commerce Clause in order to tax the company's e-commerce sales.
According to the institute, automakers strengthened roofs to meet the rollover performance requirement it added in 2010.
They do meet a more important requirement - their parents are alumni or big donors, according to the Boston Globe.
But state officials say the primary reason is that they are unable to find funds to meet the new matching requirement.
Sequestration's critics are legion, but it may be a requirement to meet the 2020 greenhouse-gas-reduction goals most countries set for themselves prior to the Copenhagen talks.
The IIHS estimates that such roofs reduce the risk of serious and fatal injury in single-vehicle rollovers by about 50 percent compared with those that merely meet the federal minimum requirement for crush resistance.
The bulk of that money has gone to listed companies, partly because dozens of them are lining up to sell shares to meet a new regulatory requirement that 25% of companies' shares must be in public hands by June 3.
The requirement that directors meet regularly without the presence of the chief executive will be immensely beneficial.
Kuznitsof says it doesn't meet a single international safety requirement.
California proposed putting more inmates on firefighting crews and into space leased from county jails to help meet a court-mandated requirement that it reduce its state-prison population, in a plan California Attorney General Kamala Harris filed Thursday night.
The Navy, driven to meet a near-term requirement contained in a dramatically changing national ballistic missile defense (BMD) strategy, has, without any supporting analysis, chosen to back-fit and concurrently build more of the 30-year-old-design Aegis Arleigh Burke class DDG51 destroyers with only the most basic BMD capability.