The bulk of that money has gone to listed companies, partly because dozens of them are lining up to sell shares to meet a new regulatory requirement that 25% of companies' shares must be in public hands by June 3.
The Scottish government is commissioning an independent evaluation of the legislation to meet a parliamentary requirement and six research organisations are involved in the tender for the work.
They were looking to start a Green Bay team, but because the city didn't meet the AFL's market-size requirement, the new team would be part of the developmental league, AF2.
"This is related to very poor yields in a lot of African countries that make it a requirement for countries to go out of their borders and go outside of the continent to meet food requirements for their people, " he says.
If a company doesn't meet the nexus requirement, the Supreme Court would have to change its opinion-a painstakingly slow and unlikely course of action-or Congress would have to make a revision under the Interstate Commerce Clause in order to tax the company's e-commerce sales.