In the House -- House Appropriations today -- that she will meet -- intends to meet with opposition representatives next week.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and U.S. VP Joe Biden will meet with Syrian opposition leaders on Saturday in Munich, a United Nations spokesman said on Friday.
Russian diplomats have made scant efforts to meet with Syrian opposition figures and Moscow seems to accept Damascus' portrayal of the opposition as a group of armed criminal gangs, according to a Western official familiar with the Russian thinking.
But Tyson's proposal could spark a backlash from politically powerful business groups and meet with stiff opposition from Republicans in the U.S. Congress, who see environmental regulation and international accords like the Kyoto Agreement on greenhouse-gas emissions as a threat to opening markets and increasing trade around the globe.
Tomorrow, Secretary Clinton will go to London, where she will meet with the Libyan opposition and consult with more than 30 nations.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu met with Odinga and other opposition officials Thursday and was scheduled to meet with Kibaki Friday morning, according to the African Council of Churches.
Senators Joseph Biden (D-DE), John Kerry (D-MA) and Chuck Hagel (R-NE) planned to observe the election and meet with leaders of the government and the opposition.
He said that his Special Envoy, Abdul Ilah al-Khatib, would return to Libya shortly, to meet both with leaders of the Government and the opposition.
U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell dispatched James Dobbins, his special envoy for Afghan opposition groups, to Rome, Italy, to meet with Afghanistan's deposed king, Mohammad Zahir Shah, before heading to the region.
He met with opposition leaders on Saturday, but state news said opposition leaders Hamdeen Sabahy and Mohamed Elbaradei decided not to meet with Kerry.
CNN: Police station torched as fighting engulfs Egyptian city
Mr Annan, who is due to meet Mr Assad again on Sunday, is expected to also seek talks with opposition figures before he leaves.
He said he expected other groups in the opposition National Salvation Front (NSF) coalition to follow suit with a boycott when they meet on Tuesday.