No meeting of minds, but even a meeting, with mutual respect, was a step ahead.
In our discussions today, there was a meeting of minds on the future direction of our relations.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Conference
Can there be a meeting of minds between researchers into genetically-modified crops and those who are deeply hostile to the technology?
President Obama is a sincere and a valued friend of our country, and our discussions have led to a meeting of minds.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Availability | The White House
In this week's Hello magazine, Mr Opik insisted his love for Cheeky Girls singer Gabriela Irimia is based on a "meeting of minds" rather than "lust".
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | MP Opik 'flattered by happiness'
With any collaboration or meeting of minds, I expect and hope for a kind of synergetic accident that may happen when somebody else's work meets with my work, my designs.
He said when the "history of the last eight weeks" was written people would see there had been a "genuine meeting of minds" between the five members of the UN Security Council.
The whole project has been a labor of love in more ways than one for both Tickell and Harrell who had a meeting of minds when they first met six years ago.
However, the advent of the Internet has not changed the basic requirements of a contract, and there is no agreement where there is no acceptance, no meeting of the minds, and no manifestation of assent.
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But she would do well to consult documents like the Weissglas letter, or the notes of the Aqaba meeting, before suggesting that there was no meeting of the minds.
This diverse meeting of the minds is exactly what Colegrove hopes to continue seeing as more folks become aware of the 3D printers.
ENGADGET: The future of higher education: reshaping universities through 3D printing
Letters which do not show a meeting of the minds between the parties cannot collectively constitute a written separation agreement.
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It was very timely: I had spent much of the afternoon on the telephone trying to achieve a meeting of the minds with Verizon Wireless.
So even before he had this change of heart, there was already reason to question whether or not there actually had been a meeting of the minds.
Though it is a bit early to fully divulge the meeting of the minds, what do you and the partners on the GAIIN team have tentatively planned for the event?
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Her attorneys, led by well-known litigator David Boies, argued that, in any event, the agreement should be invalidated because the various copies didn't collectively show a meeting of the minds.
Allowing for the truth that there are productive and good people on both sides of the abortion and welfare debate, it seems that Nadya Suleman's story demands a meeting of the minds.
"You will not have decisions coming out of this meeting but you will have enlightened minds and hopefully everyone coming back to his political task, his business responsibilities, will go more or less in the same direction, " Schwab told CNN.