The pool said that there was audible laughter through the Cabinet meeting room door.
Moments later, Hayworth and some two hundred Republicans burst out of the meeting room.
Two-thirds of the people in the meeting room thought Y2K would be a major catastrophe.
She and other members filed down to the meeting room, underneath an area known as the Crypt.
Media, sales, and distribution inquiries can be made by appointment during CES at LVH Meeting Room MP25639.
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And inside the plush meeting room of their peace secretariat, international envoys would sip tea with S. P.
Learn the skills necessary to defeat opponents on the battlefield or the meeting room with Art of War.
To adjust to the altitude, get out of your hotel room, board room or meeting room and take a walk.
There are three different children's playrooms and a cozy meeting room, furnished with overstuffed couches and comfy chairs for adults.
Orkney Islands Council also uses its bunker as a meeting room and has kitted it out with video conferencing equipment.
Reconstruction WARE: The FBI bugged their rooms, and the meeting room where they spent most of the weekend in conference.
Such a system could be used as an interactive collaborative wall in a meeting room, or even a large information kiosk.
Just after entering the meeting room, stop for a moment and look around at the person or group that has already assembled.
FORBES: President Obama, Congress, and the Body Language of Negotiation
There's no pool, and instead of a large conference room there's a small meeting room that can seat up to ten people.
It is a restaurant, bar and meeting room all rolled into one.
The humanitarian organisation started life as The Oxford Committee for Famine Relief in October 1942 at a meeting room at St Mary's church.
If they were going to announce this in, say, a hotel meeting room, there would be no reason to keep it a secret.
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Get your engine started at the Daytona International Speedway with a behind-the-scenes tour and see the Gatorade Victory Lane and Drivers Meeting Room.
Garmin will offer individual in-vehicle demonstrations to selected industry members and the press in a private meeting room at the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
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It was during this time--some time between the sudden appearance of our semi-work and the collective joshification of Troy--that Charles called Travis into a meeting room on eight.
Hidden in rooms several doors down from the meeting room, a half-dozen attorneys and their assistants sat ready to burst through the door if the nuns needed help.
Imagine walking into a meeting room that recognizes who you are and what your meeting is about, pulls up your presentation for you and gets people on the phone.
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The company had an open floor plan and from within the glass walls of the meeting room I watched people scramble to finish up their morning emails and calls.
FORBES: How to Eliminate Random Acts of Senseless Productivity
The site enables users to search for spaces, filtering them by the type of workstation available (private office, meeting room, event space, etc.) and the duration of the rental.
You are called into a meeting room before the team is announced, so if you are called in you know you are probably not going to be in the team.
Last year, Google had a table at one of the three main nightly events associated with CES. This year, the company just held a small party and rented a private meeting room.
Upon landing, a waiting bus takes them to a luxury hotel, where porters pile their bags into a ground floor meeting room or take them right to the players' rooms upon request.
Built in the same grand neoclassical style as the rest of the development, the Hall originally boasted a gymnasium, library, billiards room and a series of lecture theatres and meeting room for residents to enjoy for recreation.
But think about how much time you spent immobile: in a car or cab, in an airplane seat, on a bus or shuttle, in a meeting room or at a restaurant, watching TV in your hotel room.
On a February evening, Columbia students, Manhattanville residents and others opposed to the project gathered for a dinner of chicken, rice and beans served on paper plates in an upstairs meeting room owned by the university.
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