And it was in that context that I was sworn into office almost four years ago, at a time when the banking system was melting down, at a time when -- the month I was sworn in, we lost 800, 000 jobs, the worst crisis since the Great Depression.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Campaign Event -- 40/40 Club
Yet before it disbanded in 1971, the quartet recorded one of the most effortless-sounding groove records of all time, Melting Pot.
NPR: Masters of the Groove Get Loose and Propulsive
And yet, at a time of fast-melting glaciers and strange rains, of spreading deserts and rising seas, it is a frail and distant promise.
ECONOMIST: China, India and climate change
At the same time, the rapid melting of Himalayan glaciers promises to deprive the great rivers of the Indian sub-continent, the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra, of their summertime source.
ECONOMIST: India's water crisis
Last week an unnamed tax officer told the BBC the department had not been fit for purpose for a very long time and had reached "melting point" without the staff or resources needed and subject to an "atrocious" computer system.
BBC: Revenue's Hartnett apologises over unexpected tax bills
It is difficult for them to assess whether the melting being observed at the moment is unprecedented in the context of geological time.
BBC: Polar expedition to study Antarctica's climate history
And the question was whether I was going to have a big budget fight, at a time when I was still trying to figure out whether or not the financial system was melting down and we had to make a whole bunch of emergency decisions about the economy.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
Melting Arctic ice poses serious concerns globally, but it has also opened northern sea lanes for the first time, as well as the opportunity to search for new natural resource deposits.
FORBES: Magazine Article