The European Commission communication invites member states, in the strongest terms, to adopt the measures.
Set up in 1946, it offers advisory opinions to international disputes brought to it by member states.
It plans to share the first report on its consultation on the Recommendation with Member States in 2016.
The UNESCO Office for the Pacific coordinates activities in the Pacific in consultation with Member States.
Shared competences (or part of them) can be transferred back to member states (article 11).
European Union member states are led by ambitious long-term targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The Czech Republic, Ireland and Poland are the only member states yet to ratify the treaty.
National parliaments will be able to challenge decisions that are the prerogative of member states.
As a multinational organisation, it has to balance the interests of its member states.
Non-Member States of the Board, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and movements are invited as observers.
But disagreement remains over whether member states must seek pre-approval to inspect vessels outside their ports.
Environment ministers from the member states said they would try to draw up an alternate.
The Merkel-Sarkozy letter also called for "a renewed contract between the euro area member states".
"This is not a European crisis but a crisis of some member states, " he told CNN.
The NIESR says the UK probably benefited from the restrictions imposed by other member states.
Slothful member states are told by Berlin to trim their spending and raise their taxes.
The regional meeting aims to promote the Convention and its scientific standards among UNESCO Member States.
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Revenues would be shared between Member States and the EU (partly reducing national contributions).
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The DPS does not cover deposits of branches of banks established in European Union Member States.
And EU member states haven't provided any helicopters in Darfur despite the desperate need there.
Governments of Member States are invited to submit nominations, in consultation with their National Commissions.
She will hold bilateral meetings with Member States on culture and development and international environmental governance.
For the first time, EU representation in member states includes an expert monitoring the local economy.
The treaty needs to be implemented into the national laws of all member states.
"Tragically, some EU member states are still sending Iraqis back to Iraq, " it said.
Following approval, member states will now have two years to implement the directive in national law.
Two-thirds of the 191-member states would need to approve any change to the U.N.
Some EU member states are pressing for tougher labeling rules to regain consumer confidence.
From October, a European Union directive will make unsolicited e-mails illegal across member states.
Economic development in newer member states is good news for everyone in the EU's single market.