One side is attracted to negatively charged molecules on the surface of bacterial membranes.
General Electric, through its GE Osmonics division, is helping develop the membranes for the plant.
They concentrated on the make-up of the ion channels in the animals' cell membranes.
Cell membranes are made of fatty molecules, but the details vary from one organism to another.
To get ahead, Lum took a gamble on focusing on membranes to clean wastewater.
Some even employ proton exchange membranes that move charge around the way a hydrogen fuel cell does.
Roosting bats can get fatally entangled in the fibers, which degrades the roofing membranes, invalidating their guarantees.
The team proposed that a precursor to that cellular pump evolved in the membranes of the proto-cells.
This, among other things, helps it to distinguish bacteria from human membranes, which have a less negative charge.
The uniqueness is what makes everything possible, from conducting metals to fluorescing coatings, from vibrating membranes to radio waves.
This may create enough air turbulence to push a viral particle from landing on your face and mucous membranes.
When mucous membranes dry out, they are far less effective at blocking infection.
Electromagnetism, and also the strong and weak nuclear forces, are confined to their membranes, and thus to this universe.
Instead, the droplet is first spun until the cell membranes rupture in a process called lysis, releasing the DNA inside.
The only protein known to behave this way in animals is found in the outer membranes of certain nerve cells.
The metal, an excellent conductor of electricity, is found in the thin membranes behind the on-off buttons in most electronics.
Dr Katherine Astbury told the coroner that Mrs Halappanavar's vital signs were not checked every four hours after her membranes ruptured.
Meningitis is an aggressive disease when bacteria invade the protective membranes of the central nervous system and cause adverse inflammatory responses.
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Existing membranes cater to the desalination industry and haven't combined the two essential features needed for an osmotic power plant, said Skilhagen.
Question the audiophile about the best brand of headphones and you first learn how sound waves are registered by our tympanic membranes.
Soon after spawning, the egg membranes undergo chemical reactions that seal the pores that let water into or out of the egg.
However, the creatures' wing membranes were not rigid or strong enough to support the device, and it also made them less aerodynamic.
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And, as David Deamer, of the University of California, Santa Cruz, told the meeting, such membranes will assemble spontaneously in certain conditions.
In particular, the membranes of bacteria are different from those of people.
But other capture technologies based on fine membranes are also in development.
In September 2007 I was again in a delivery room, again with prematurely ruptured membranes, again delivering a daughter too young to live.
To make his rings into effective bactericides, Dr Ghadiri has had to get them to form only in the membranes of dangerous germs.
In rich countries, five men in every 200, 000, and twice as many women, develop tumours called meningiomas that affect the membranes surrounding the brain.
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The emerging technologies involve different solvents, sorbents and membranes as well as methods for extracting carbon from the solvents and regenerating the solvents for reuse.
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