His use of this extra memory space meant that he could circumvent that perennial pitfall of mental arithmetic, losing one's place.
Click the opening image to enter the sub menus, split into categories such as light, information, memory, space, time and emotion.
In other words, instead of using memory as a temporary storage space for data retrieved from disk, memory can play a more primary role.
For example, when you sign on for EC2 you go through a question and answer process where you decide on things like memory, hard drive space and processor speed.
Mountain Lion requires Lion or Snow Leopard (OS X v10.6.8 or later), 2GB of memory and 8GB of available space.
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Studies at the Gale Crater landing site have been on hold since the beginning of March after engineers discovered a problem with Curiosity's computer memory, possibly caused by space radiation.
The beeps emanating from there tell you when the Hero3 is powered up and inform you when you've started eating up space on your memory card with photos or video recordings.
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Back in the day we were asking our PCs to do the heavy lifting of running those resource intensive client-server applications that required lots of memory, local hard drive space and processing power.
It can support up to 500GB of storage space and 4GB of DDR2 memory.
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Pentium-based system with plenty of hard drive space and 64 megabytes of memory.
Sony's just announced that the free Foursquare app has officially landed at the PlayStation Store (US), and it can be yours for a paltry 4.5MBs of space on your precious proprietary memory card.
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Despite having a 32GB memory card for the Vita with 9GB of free space left, the Vita told him (as seen above) that the device caps displayable content at 100 items.
If there's one thing customers complained about, though, it was the lack of expandable memory -- a problem if you used all the space on the drive, or if you already had stuff stored on an SD card.
Although it weighs about a pound more, it has 10 times the storage space of the Eee's 4 gigabytes of flash memory.
The sample comes from a hole about 2.5 inches deep drilled on Feb. 8 in a flat plate of sedimentary bedrock that the space agency managers have named "John Klein" in memory of a Mars Science Laboratory deputy project manager who died in 2011.
Add that to the 8GB of inbuilt memory and complementary 7GB of SkyDrive storage, and users have plenty of space for their multimedia files at the ready.
Honeywell began the MRAM effort in 1984 at the urging of the Department of Defense, which needed memory for satellites and long-range missiles that could withstand radiation in space without the addition of heavy shielding.
The flaw, which affected the virtual machine monitor (VMM) in Virtual PC, could enable an attacker to use applications running in user-space on a guest OS to access portions of the Virtual PC memory that should be inaccessible to those applications.
This memory boost enables users to conveniently store additional content without worrying about running out of space.
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Now, however, Dane Elec -- best-known for selling USB flash drives and memory cards at retailers such as Target -- has jumped into the shared storage space with an offering called MyDitto.
The Memory Characteristics Questionnaire tests for sensory and emotional details of recollections and how people relive them in space and time.
"The enormous file sizes of modern HD movies, music, and photos continue to push the need for greater storage space and faster file copy speeds, " said Thi La, Senior VP and GM of Memory and Enthusiast Component Products at Corsair.
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Signs you are running out of space with the spreadsheet when Excel takes 20 minutes to refresh, runs out of memory, takes minutes to add a row, of when users start slicing data to make it fit, such as looking at a month rather than a quarter.
These postage-stamp-sized bits of flash memory are quickly turning into a major force for consumer electronic devices that need lots of storage in a small space.