Last year, 86 people were hurt by fireworks across Northern Ireland, mostly young men.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Damage surges over Halloween
Three men - two from London and one from Liverpool - were cautioned for ticket touting.
And worst of all, women are just as likely to report a mid-life crisis as men.
An officer always carries a list of his men and leaves a copy in the truck.
The two men were remanded in police custody until their trial starts on 22 May.
This is partly because there are disproportionately more men in dangerous industries like construction and mining.
Men feel they can be neither of these and they work hard to establish self esteem.
For decades we were expected to stay at home and wait on men hand and foot.
Please no more responses from the female gender explaining how we feel as men or husbands.
If men should not marry intelligent and successful career women, then whom should they marry?
Avoid professional men because they more frequently work in an environment that includes women.
As normal men, nothing is more attractive than those two qualities in a woman.
Old men lean on the outside windowsill, ordering cortados (espresso with milk) and empanadas to go.
On Tuesday, two men were arrested in County Cavan in connection with Mr Kerin's murder.
Marine Lt Col Brennan Byrne has told AP that most of the dead are "military-age men".
"Very few women - or men - would be able to name her, " said Benn.
CNN: Suffragette Emily Davison's death: Feminist hero or loon?
They reached an out-of-court settlement, and both men are doing consulting work in the industry.
There is so much history at Sun, it has been known to reduce grown men to tears.
As for the gender demographics of study abroad programs, more women than men travel overseas to study.
America must restore, in John Adams words, a government of laws, and not of men.
Control of the Motorola name was thornier both men viewed the brand as fundamental to their businesses.
Being a very successful woman myself, I have a hard time finding men who understand my drive.
Men need to reinvent themselves, to reconsider what it means to be a dad and a partner.
For instance, what is the ratio of men to women who leave their spouse for a co-worker?
And speaking of monetarily, why do men make more money than women do for the same position?
Men may only use their right hand to swing the mallet, while women may use both hands.
It is already known that men have fewer connections between the left and right hemispheres of their brain.
At many clubs both men and women will have to dress up to get in or fit in.
Just after dark every night, two hyena men begin their ritual at sites just outside the city walls.
Outside, everyone looks busy, from elderly ladies selling socks to young men welding pipes and repairing used electronics.