Congratulations to the analysts who tracked the data and the men in uniform who carried out the mission.
Dr Kabamba is shaken down about twice a month by men in uniform.
Mr Chaudhry, witting or not, may be helping to create the conditions in which the men in uniform step in again one day.
In the States, many companies offer military discounts for serving soldiers, sports teams give out free tickets, people in the street shake the hand of men in uniform.
While picking his way through the difficult legal issues, he must also convince the vast majority of the men in uniform that only the worst offenders are his enemies.
Their ability to do so was enshrined in a landmark law, passed by the AK government in June 2009, that allows men in uniform to be tried in civilian courts.
From Libya's Muammar Gaddafi to Ethiopia's Mengistu Haile Mariam, men in uniform became heads of state and correspondents could cover up to 29 coups in a lifetime during the 20th Century.
For a man who has spent so much of his life around the military, he seems remarkably ill-at-ease when it comes to talking to men in uniform, at least those in the ranks.
General Sergeyev might argue, too, for the general staff to be revamped, and given oversight of Russia's 16 other armed forces, which between them account for at least 600, 000 more men in uniform.
Already, in advance of the publication next month of the Quadrennial Defence Review, a government forecast of what America's armed forces will need from now to 2010, Bill Cohen, the secretary of defence, has hinted that more bases will close, there will be fewer men in uniform, and more aircraft will not be bought.
Men in the uniform of Wall Street retirement: black Chesterfield coat, rimless glasses and the Times folded to the obituary page.
Also in our thoughts and prayers tonight are the men and women in uniform who put their lives at risk each and every day for our safety and freedom. (Applause.) So in that spirit, I'd also like to pay a tribute to the journalists who play an extraordinary role in telling their stories.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Jay Leno at White House Correspondents Dinner | The White House
Therein lies the greatest lesson of that day in the valley, and the truth that our men and women in uniform live out every day.
From volunteering with a faith-based organization, to collecting food and clothing for those in need, to preparing care packages for our men and women in uniform, there are many ways to bring service into our everyday lives -- and each of us can do something.
Now, I have to say that as Commander-in-Chief, I could not be prouder of our men and women in uniform.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Awards Medal of Honor to Korean War Heroes
On Friday, I visited Fort Bliss in Texas, where I met with some of our extraordinary men and women in uniform to mark the second anniversary of the end of major combat in Iraq.
In the Senate I've worked to expand health care to our men and women in uniform.
And lastly, I just simply could not close without telling you how much every time we do something in the national security arena we think of our troops -- our men and women in uniform -- and their families, and the incredible sacrifice and example they set for us every day around the world.
And in part that's because of the extraordinary sacrifices that have been made by our men and women in uniform in Afghanistan.
As we do, let us also reaffirm that their legacy will always burn bright -- whether in the memory of those who knew them, the spirit of service that guides our men and women in uniform today, or the heart of the country they kept strong and free.
"But he is also president and commander in chief, and he will not countenance the leaking of classified information that can harm our men and women in uniform, harm Americans who work on our national security, harm counterterrorism operations, " Carney said.
The dangers faced by our men and women in uniform would be far greater.
So the government must charge our men and women in uniform that additional premium.
Thanks to our brave men and women in uniform, our nation has never been more secure.
And thank you for the encouragement that you gave these men and women in uniform.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Lee Hold a News Conference
We appreciate your leadership and your support and care of our men and women in uniform.
The SRP is where our men and women in uniform go before getting deployed.
When our men and women in uniform answer the call to serve, their families serve, too.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Merry Christmas from the President & First Lady | The White House
After a decade of grinding war, our brave men and women in uniform are coming home.
FORBES: Full Text: President Obama's 2013 State Of The Union Address