• He also aims to get more people to eat menhaden as a whole fish, as they do in Japan.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The menhaden are dead by the time the boat returns to shore.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The latest is the overharvesting of menhaden, a small bony fish that's used in chicken feed and also happens to be the stripers' main meal.

    FORBES: Sports

  • When the water gets cold, from December to March, many head south again, fattening up on bluefish, menhaden and squid near shipwrecks off Hatteras Island and Morehead City.

    FORBES: The Young Man And the Sea

  • But destructive fishing pressure has sharply depleted ocean wildlife, some by 90 percent in 50 years, including sharks, tunas, marlin, menhaden, groupers, snappers, tarpon, turtles, shrimp, crabs and others.

    CNN: An SOS on World Oceans Day: Save our seas, save ourselves

  • Menhaden-huggers, you could call them.

    FORBES: Fishmonger

  • Take too many menhaden and you damage the populations of bluefish and striped bass that feed on them. (Not so, says the company.) At the moment Omega Protein is allowed to fish only in the waters off six states, and two of those have caps on its harvests.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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