Some tout the benefits of hormone replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms, while others emphasize the risks.
For women who are not suffering from menopausal symptoms, the risks of taking HRT outweigh the benefits.
Be sure to talk with your doctor before taking any herbal treatments or dietary supplements for menopausal symptoms.
Participants in the study were taking the treatment so researchers could assess how well it prevented aging-related diseases, not menopausal symptoms.
That increase was likely due to evidence indicating testosterone might reduce menopausal symptoms by increasing sex drive, reducing anxiety and increasing bone strength.
Some women may be wary of taking an antidepressant for menopausal symptoms, and cost also may be a negative factor, the physician noted.
CNN: Health - Anti-depressant counters hot flashes from menopause, chemotherapy
"A woman suffering menopausal symptoms with a risk of osteoporosis is an ideal candidate for the treatment, " says the author of Is HRT right for me?
July 25, 2006 A new study finds women who take the hormone supplement testosterone to reduce menopausal symptoms are at increased risk of breast cancer.
It found that hormone therapy, often prescribed to relieve menopausal symptoms and protect against osteoporosis, in healthy postmenopausal women increased the risk of breast cancer, heart disease and stroke.
But a large, NIH-sponsored, carefully controlled study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine Monday reports that, unlike HRT, the supplement doesn't work to help hot flashes or other menopausal symptoms.
Earlier this month, the FDA rejected Wyeth's Pristiq, an antidepressant that was being tested for menopausal symptoms, saying it wants additional clinical trials on the drug's heart and liver side effects.
The latest in a series of disappointing studies finds that soy supplements, an increasingly popular substitute for hormone therapy, do not stave off hot flashes, night sweats, and other uncomfortable menopausal symptoms.
Tofu contains phytoestrogens, which are known to help to balance out estrogen levels and to help menopausal women mitigate their symptoms by balancing out their estrogen levels.