Its editors focused on codifying symptoms that seemed to distinguish one mental disorder from another.
She is ready to find a man who hasn't suffered from any mental disorder and is willing to commit.
Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder that presents with recurrent episodes of mood instability of feeling 'high' (mania or hypomania) and 'low' (depression).
The disability could involve a physical or mental disorder or an acquired illness that impacts their ability to care for or support themselves.
In the event, the two court-appointed psychiatrists, Torgeir Husby and Synne Soerheim, concluded that Breivik had "developed the mental disorder of paranoid schizophrenia".
He said her perception of the risk to her mother's health was not that of a normal person because of her mental disorder.
He didn't realize that from that moment he was going to start experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia, a mental disorder suffered by approximately 1.5 million Mexicans.
No drugs or medicines had been found in his body and the coroner said he had a mental disorder that caused him to hurt himself.
No drugs or medicines had been found in his body and the coroner said he had had a mental disorder that caused him to hurt himself.
Makowski describes the radio show as a space for dialogue, which offers a safe environment in which people suffering from a mental disorder can express themselves.
He says his wife didn't know "how to understand" that he was suffering from a mental disorder and that is why she decided to leave him.
The latest MoD figures show that in the first six months of 2008, 1, 636 servicemen and women were diagnosed with a mental disorder by defence medical services.
According to the National Institute of Psychiatry of Mexico, 28% of the Mexican population has suffered from some type of mental disorder, such as emotional disorders or anxiety.
Enrique hasn't been able to understand what happened to the 15 years of his life before he was diagnosed with a mental disorder at the age of 34.
Internet addiction is officially a mental disorder listed in the psychiatry Bible the DSM, and Asian countries a bit ahead of us in usage are taking it very seriously.
He believes that the possibility of a mental disorder - which would have led to a diminished responsibility verdict rather than execution - was not adequately explored during the trial.
Autopsy results showed that bruises on several parts of the boy's body were self-inflicted and it was reported that the child had a mental disorder which had caused him to hurt himself.
Yates' lawyers called her mother, friends, and even a former prep school swim teammate to the stand to establish the mother as a stable individual who was only affected by her mental disorder.
Mental health issues, from depression to anxiety to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), affect almost 58 million adults in the U.S. That means that just over 26% of Americans ages 18 and older (the demographic that makes up the American workforce) suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder.
Miss Kelly Scrivener, defending, asked the court to pass a community order which would allow her client to be treated for his mental disorder, but Judge Phillip Wassall said he could not see a "viable and workable option" to punish Webber properly in the community for what was a "very serious offence".
Internet addiction, or formally, Internet Use Disorder (IUD), may soon be included as an actual mental health disorder, although the authors do say it still needs a lot of additional study.
If we accept that internet addiction or IUD is a legitimate mental health disorder, then what?
Just like with depression or any other mental health disorder, public (and media) perception still plays a big role.
FORBES: Time To Pay Attention: What The Newest ADHD Research Is Telling Us
Dinah Morley, deputy director of Young Minds, the mental health charity for children and adolescents, told BBC News Online the lack of a secure family situation did increase the risk of a mental health disorder for teenagers.
Some children as young as age 3 show early signs of gender dysphoria, or gender identity disorder, mental health experts who work with transgender children say.
The prosecution says she has a borderline personality disorder and her mental state is variable.
The prosecution said she had borderline personality disorder and her mental state was variable, while the defence said she had no control of her mind.
Finally, there is tremendous interest in the world of psychiatric research regarding whether treating high-risk young people with medications will protect them against developing severe mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
Certain characteristics of his prose -- hypersensitivity and constant rumination, or persistent contemplation -- reflect a pattern of temperament that some psychology researchers say connects mental illness, especially bipolar disorder and depression, with creativity.
Lynne had a history of suicidal thoughts and mental-health problems, including bipolar disorder, according to medical records.