Other hardware mentions include 1GB of RAM, 8-megapixel camera, 16GB of storage plus microSD capability.
In fact, the only thing she mentions is that her children are school grade age.
Other notable mentions include innovators such as French-Japanese fusion hotspot Tate and Italian-French restaurant L'Altro.
FORBES' 1984 profile of the fund mentions Kimball International, the piano and organ company.
Asked what she dislikes about her new home, she mentions that the air-conditioning is too cold.
In 445 pages, the Referral mentions Whitewater, the failed land deal which originated its investigation, twice.
FutureBook mentions that in one case, direct visits accounted for 30 percent of all visits.
About 50 minutes into the video, he mentions that paper will still have a role.
FORBES: The Beating Heart of Hewlett-Packard Makes A Case For Relevance
It was even more obvious once I added up the mentions of top seven words.
In the same breath Nozad mentions a friend Shirazi should set up his cousin with.
Ms. Ireland mentions that a writer recently pitched a horror movie for KatzSmith to produce.
"When John mentions these are impactful players, I believe he's exactly right, " Ryan said.
This alone warranted the attention of the prestigious Financial Analysts Journal and several media mentions.
Sorting and prioritizing mentions by influence gives me, in return, more influence (over behavior, over conversation).
FORBES: The Potentially Huge Market In 'Future-Tense Analytics'
By the end of the summer of 2010, HMU had reached 80, 000 mentions per day.
FORBES: Top Facebook Trends In 2010 Show That It's a Teen's Social Network
The overall NYIndex score reflects media mentions and social-media activity as of May 1, 2012.
Note how he mentions the hybrid: the car that costs less and gets far better mileage.
Then it started to really pick up, peaking at just under 70, 000 mentions on Jan. 23.
WSJ: Cinnamon Challenge: Just a Spoonful Makes the Internet Rounds
The brief mentions Butler on more than ten occasions, almost more than any other case.
FORBES: States' Efforts To Strike Down Health Care Law Harks Back To 1930s Jurisprudence
For instance, men are often impressed when another man mentions his car by brand.
The Times only briefly mentions rumors that Bank of America might be that target.
FORBES: No, WikiLeaks Has Not 'Confirmed' It Will Target Bank Of America
Michael Copeland of the UUP referred to Mr Lavery's several mentions of "hope valuations".
He mentions a biomedical company that uses Xbox and Kinnect for patients with neurological issues.
He mentions repeatedly, and seriously, that he stands ready to advise lawmakers on regulatory reform.
Trendrr counted 1.18 million mentions and SocialGuide measured 9 percent of the comments for the week.
FORBES: MTV's Social Greatness: The Snooki Bump And The VMA Blast-off
He also mentions the firm was profitable during the period, but not by how much.
FORBES: Blankfein: SEC Case Filing 'One Of The Worst Days In My Professional Life'
PT, mentions of Bergoglio (the new pope's last name) were up by 3.7 million%.
Using text-mining algorithms, researchers culled more than 10, 000 mentions and summarized the most relevant comments.
WSJ: How Big Data Is Changing the Whole Equation for Business
Portland, the other major city the WSJ article mentions, has a relatively sound credit rating.
The article mentions that as a lawyer Mr. Titus knows a thing or two about technology.
FORBES: Privacy Lawyer Aaron Titus's Robocall Prank Possibly Illegal, Still Funny