Sucking up all the air behind it, the train gave the switch a merciless working over.
Hendry said he expects a merciless ribbing from Williams after the manner of his defeat.
ArXiv's papers, though subject to merciless post-publication commentary, are not formally peer-reviewed before they are posted.
The world expects a certain level of competence and can be merciless when this expectation is unmet.
And if it stumbles, as Mr Castellano must know, the fickle world of fashion will be merciless.
Media writers are often merciless on their subjects, but when they turn on each other, it can get ugly.
In "The East, " the characters can be very tender toward each other, even while being merciless with corporate entities.
And if Dai-majin was merciless on the mound, he was easy-going off it.
Even more important than rolling and dodging, a shield can mean the difference between life and sudden, merciless death.
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The Obama victory comes after a long and merciless effort by both sides.
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Rather, these young adults have come of age at a particularly merciless moment.
We had wanted monstrous versions of ourselves with enlarged heads on stalklike necks, merciless polished robots armed with death rays.
The disciplinary orders issued by the SEC and PCAOB were merciless in their condemnation of the PW India audit practice.
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And we are saying to the most merciless forces on the planet, the Market and Mother Nature, What you got, baby?
Montgomery was merciless with the boot and he landed a huge penalty from just inside the Samoan half to make it 9-0.
Such attacks may be rare, but people fear them because the victims are chosen at random and the perpetrators are utterly merciless.
The time to act during a crisis often passes with merciless celerity.
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The Coens treat this emblematic figure of thirties culture with merciless contempt.
And the Russian looked in merciless mood on Court Suzanne Lenglen as she set up a second round clash with Japan's Ayumi Morita.
The medium has been similarly merciless in bringing us other modern presidents, such as Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard Nixon, and George Bush, Sr.
The Trilambs extend their merciless satire to almost every aspect of life - from dysfunctional relationships to absurd parties and messy relationship break-ups.
Veterans of war live forever with the memory of war's merciless nature, of the awful things that had to be done by their hand.
The Hound is crude but sympathetic, a dog of war to be sure, but not so cruel or merciless as his brother or the king.
Fantine, a worker at the factory, is discharged by an incompetent and merciless foreman, when it is discovered that she has a secret daughter, but not a husband.
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Facebook, in particular, has been a merciless poacher from Google.
"His killers were cowardly as they were merciless, " he said.
"His killers were cowardly as they were merciless, " he added.
For the uninitiated, the multi-talented Lilley is both the author and star of a string of closely observed mockumentaries that offer the most merciless parodies on modern Australian life.
Recalling the men who scaled the cliffs and crossed the beaches in a merciless hail of bullets, he asked, who were these men, these ordinary men doing extraordinary things?
Mastro, who has peaked eyebrows and unruly white hair, is soft-spoken, but, even by the pugilistic standards of the New York bar, he has a reputation as a merciless litigator.