Third, it created a merit-pay system in which teachers whose pupils pass certain exams get bonuses.
ECONOMIST: Conservative education reform
This opinion is supported by long-term research published recently in the United States, which tracked a sample of academics who had worked within a merit-pay system.
BBC: Performance pay 'doomed to fail'
In his report into police pay and conditions last year, Mr Winsor called for the abolition of a series of allowances and special payments and for a pay system that recognised hard work and merit instead of long service.
BBC: UK Politics
His merit-pay proposal would expand the uses of a teacher-evaluation system still being hammered out for the city's teachers.
WSJ: Thompson Proposes Plan for Teacher Merit Wages
We cannot call ourselves a nation of equals until we pay equal attention to all those in our criminal justice system whose stories merit our attention, regardless of their race or gender.
CNN: We're obsessed when it's white women in trouble