Media moguls and other movers and shakers still munch merrily at The Four Seasons.
But to do nothing at all and plough merrily onwards - what a wheeze.
They get twice as fast every 18 months and will continue merrily along that path.
Some undecided voters may just be merrily humming Kumbaya en route to re-electing him.
During Christmases past, many executives merrily deferred receipt of their big year-end bonuses.
Kate merrily greets all of Sir Harry's boastful claims of success with barely concealed mirth and impertinence.
Meanwhile, the blue gantries, now a symbol of people power, still merrily light up the Gauteng night sky.
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But the point is that we got back to trend after the war and continued merrily on our way.
The new musical award went to Merrily We Roll Along at the Menier Chocolate Factory, directed by Maria Friedman.
That corporate earnings will continue to roll merrily along, spurred by a lower dollar that makes export sales easier.
Each country would have merrily devalued its currency to increase competitiveness and promoted inflation to eat up the debt pile.
Retroviruses work by adding their genes into the chromosomes of their hosts, which then merrily churn out bits of new viruses.
So, from the sake of the engineers they went merrily along continuing their design not given any orders to back away.
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Senior members of his team merrily aver that theirs will be the most Eurosceptic administration since that term had any currency.
For me, this is an iPhone task I do by rote, merrily deleting emails on my morning walk to the subway.
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And the airport where Gracie raced off, laughing as merrily as Pan.
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House prices have also been rising merrily at around 10% a year.
Having read Dr Saari's results, they should now be merrily quaffing wine.
He does not easily smile or poke people merrily in the ribs.
The block-wide, walled-in Czech beer garden has enough picnic tables to comfortably seat 800 and is merrily packed all summer with pitcher-swilling, sausage-eating bonhomie.
Reality, filmed illusion, and dreams are so intertwined that only an artist, playing merrily with echoes, can sort them into a scheme of delight.
Others earn affection merrily chuffing up and down snowy peaks.
For 65 years Washington carried on merrily, with only Louisiana and Alaska trying something similar, until California copied the system, hoping for a bit of moderation.
And that is why, in 2010, I saw all these IBMers with their iPhones and iPads, merrily computing away and interacting with IBM back-end products and systems.
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Tai-tais decked in baubles and taipans in Armani merrily sipped champagne and nibbled on cruditEs as they paraded around the city's newest temple to upwardly mobile fashion.
Most noticeable for customers, though, will be the merrily-colored blades, which come in a bright yellow, purple and red, breaking a monotonous streak among Indian ceiling whirligigs.
But as more than one Jets employee shouted Sunday as the players merrily ran off the field, arms stuck out horizontally, this is why the games get played.
When he has had to make unpleasant decisions, Mr Jospin has merrily blamed the criteria for joining the single currency or the mess he inherited from the right.
It was he who perfected the kettle thermostat, the bimetallic strip which ensures our kettle switches off once it has boiled merrily for a few seconds, rather than boiling dry.