They sleep with the windows open, the moths battering their wings against the mesh screens.
Loop quantum gravity can be visualised, as its name suggests, as a mesh of loops.
And other cities--including Philadelphia and New York--are considering metropolitan wireless mesh networks of their own.
If traditional wireless networks work like fire trucks, mesh networks are more like a bucket brigade.
The artery is then propped open with a metal mesh tube called a stent.
Both outfits make coronary stents, wire-mesh devices used to keep arteries open, and other medical devices.
Both analysts note, however, that the two companies' AIDS franchises will mesh nicely with one another.
Metal mesh tubes called stents are used to keep the arteries from closing again.
Wi-Fi uses a number of smaller antennas, called "nodes, " to build a mesh network.
And their success at the institution will depend on how they mesh with the school.
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It's no surprise, however, that the four instrumentalists were able to mesh so easily.
Their first responders need radios and computer systems that mesh quickly in a catastrophe.
Just as with the Macintosh, Apple's success depends on a Jobsian mesh of hardware and software.
Jobs, and Apple, seem to mesh where managers who thrived at very different companies failed.
First, there are signs that Kidd doesn't mesh particularly well alongside fellow wing Iman Shumpert.
The inside of the mesh is coated with urethral cells while the outside gets muscle cells.
Take note if the recommendations mesh with your long term strategy or short term tactics.
The stories and the artifacts mesh nicely, making this exhibit of an oft-forgotten war most memorable.
WSJ: 1812 | Canadian War Museum | Four Ways to Look at a War | By Mark Yost
Almost every institution that has sought to mesh commercial and investment banking has failed.
So why not put a mesh capability in there and interconnect all the cars on a highway?
The mesh technology provides an easy way to deliver broadband Internet access to every citizen of Taipei.
Alternatively, it can group applications and files in terms of who is connected on the wireless mesh.
They seems to have wire mesh on either side and it was probably about two storeys up.
In contrast, mesh networks are totally decentralized, with each device capable of communicating directly with its neighbors.
The mesh is bringing together wider access to experts via channels including, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
It currently rules the market for coronary stents, wire-mesh devices that are used to prop open clogged arteries.
The high-windowed room is remarkable for its large mesh-covered medallions, which appear golden, thanks to direct gold-colored light.
What do Republican voters want, and how will that mesh with the interests of independent voters who decide elections?
It consists of a mesh of polypropylene (the stuff used to make Astroturf) sandwiched between layers of nonwoven polyester.
The exterior, interior, and performance all need to mesh with and reinforce the overall message the product is conveying.
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