"You don't want to mess with the mojo, " says Clint Higham, the singer's manager since 1996.
"All these beautiful women in the world and guys wanna mess with other guys, " he wrote.
Both companies deeply mess with notions of value and even the nature of currencies and debt.
For Lovano's new recording, Schuller didn't mess with the jewel-like perfection of the Gil Evans arrangements.
As Napoleon might say, you don't mess with winter in that part of the world.
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It's understandable, because these days, nobody in the music business likes to mess with success.
However, why mess with good genes by screwing up what you do and what you eat?
"My feeling is until we know what is there, we shouldn't mess with it, " he said.
The transition can eat away at a player's confidence and mess with a well-grooved swing.
The car that's so popular that its maker doesn't dare mess with the formula.
So, in order to get more renewables we need to mess with the market a bit.
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Vasquez says growing up in this part of Compton pretty much guarantees people will mess with you.
Medications that work on the central nervous system, such as antidepressants, can also mess with your cycle.
General Motors, the parent of both Opel and Buick, knew better than to mess with a good thing.
Programs that take money away from the rich to give to the poor, Becker argues, mess with incentives.
George W. Bush warned his political opponents at the 2000 Republican National Convention not to mess with Texas.
The thing I like the most about Charlie is that he just loves to mess with the media.
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The internet is full of people who just want to mess with things, and Walmart is a prime target.
FORBES: Could Walmart's New Pay-With-Cash Feature Be Used Against It?
He and Molly had fled to the atrium, had hot scones, watched a squirrel mess with a plastic cup.
The defense, says Miller, is often trying to mess with your head -- confuse the offensive line and the QB.
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But Jong Yong Yun, CEO of Samsung Electronics at the time, admonished his lieutenants not to mess with the strategy.
Ken Westin will help you find your stolen BlackBerry--and give you an opportunity to mess with the thief who pinched it.
In contrast, Tawada's short stories in The Bridegroom Was A Dog don't beat you down as much as mess with your head.
Just before he arrived in Doha, the House of Representatives passed a resolution urging him not to mess with America's trade defences.
How can anyone think that Obamacare, a vast, badly structured mess with power of compulsion is going to behave on behalf of the patient?
Most people are far from networking experts (including me) and dare not mess with too many configurations outside renaming the SSID or changing the password.
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At the time, Dali called his creation of a painted plaster lobster attached to the receiver the Aphrodisiac Telephone, presumably just to mess with people.
"He loves to mess with me, " said Bradley, who slyly retaliated.
As they do so, hedge funds, a new ingredient in the mix of lenders, will get caught up in the mess with unpredictable consequences for markets.