Is she carrying any message from the President for the talks?
And separately, on defense, will there be any specific message from the President to the Prime Minister about where the U.S. thinks British defense spending levels should be?
"More than that, the essential message from the president was the need to decolonise the African mind, post-liberation, to enable the previously oppressed African majority to appreciate and love who they are and uphold their own culture, " he said.
The presidential office of Philippine President Benigno Aquino conveyed a message from the president of "deep sympathy, concern, and solidarity with the people of Boston, where he and his family had found refuge during martial law, and which so many Filipinos call home".
Privately, several officials also said Bremer was carrying a stern message from the president that it is time, as one put it, to "light a fire" under the council, whose work, in the view of the White House, has been stalled by personal, ethnic and religious rivalries.
Separate question -- on Yemen, could you tell us what message John Brennan is taking to the region from the President?
That indeed will be one message from Tuesday's leg of the trip, when President Obama travels to London.
In 1858, a telegraphed message from Britain's Queen Victoria to President Buchanan was transmitted over the recently laid trans-Atlantic cable.
The star-studded draw ceremony, held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre, began with a video message from revered former South Africa president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela.
They tie him to everybody from President Bush to Karl Rove to Jack Abramoff, and I think that message has gotten through to the people in Ohio.
We'd been given permission from President Kagame's office to park the truck on the running track, but the message hadn't filtered down to a very annoyed head of security at the ground.
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That's the message from a December 27-28 memo to local union presidents and board members from Michigan Education Association President Steven Cook, which recommends tactics that unions can use to dilute the impact of the right-to-work law.