The US airline had consistently argued that the Concorde caught fire before it hit the metalstrip, and that they were being used as a scapegoat to protect France's airline industry.
The secret to the screens is in what's behind them: a thin strip of metal-coated plastic that's only 50 microns thick -- about half the width of a human hair -- and wraps around a spool.
Just buy an iPhone case, or get a bit of duct tape and cover a gap on the strip of metal that runs along the outside edge of the phone, which also serves as an antenna, Gikas writes.
If you ever experience this on your Phone 4, avoid gripping it in the lower left corner in a way that covers both sides of the black strip in the metal band, or simply use one of many available cases.
The MediaPad 10 doesn't replicate the backplate of the original entirely, opting instead for a sole strip of white that stretches across the metal back.