But only metaphorically is America a family, its members bound by tendrils of intimacy and affection.
Using these terms metaphorically is just a joke, not to be taken seriously, argue some.
You metaphorically strap yourself in with a seat-belt and say we're on air now.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Breakfast | Natasha's first anniversary
And having been at the peak, literally and metaphorically, they found the coming down too hard.
For the Naples Daily News, it mostly involved thinking of ad sales territories metaphorically rather than literally.
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Metaphorically speaking, women, you too are in danger of sporting a career combover.
The metaphorically-minded Mr. Eliot would be pleased to know that his famous phrase provides a double lesson for presenters.
Speaking metaphorically, Ausra business development chief Thomas Bartolomei says, "We have irons in the fire" but no signed deals yet.
Talling has made it his task to bring the English capital's lost rivers back to the surface, metaphorically at least.
It was as if he had to labour, and metaphorically sweat, before his genius could, or was allowed to, emerge.
The final step is just metaphorically lying on our bunks divergently turning everything over and over in our minds until something pops.
So, although this version of the philosophers' stone may not actually turn base metals into gold, it could yet end up, metaphorically, making some.
In politics, a dog whistle is a rhetorical device--an oral expression susceptible to two interpretations, one straightforward and one, metaphorically speaking, at a higher frequency.
Landmark offers strictly down and dirty (metaphorically speaking) diner food, including a wide variety of omelettes, tuna salad sandwiches and grilled cheese with sliced tomatoes.
One could even say, metaphorically, that the Fed is printing money.
"The ethos behind it, and the vision, is that we connect the indoor pools, the outdoor pools, and the sea, both physically and metaphorically, " he added.
In an interview on WLS Radio in Chicago, Blagojevich explained he was speaking metaphorically to the reporter whose story appears in the February issue of the magazine.
They appeared to be "arriving a bit late in the day and too many cooks, literally and metaphorically, may spoil what remains of the broth", he said.
Is Lynn really proposing to build some kind of international firewall amongst NATO member states that will keep non-member states out of their networks or is he speaking metaphorically?
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The music died when the first results came into Romney HQ in Boston - not metaphorically, but literally, as the jazz band that had been serenading Republicans stopped playing.
Do you remember when you were in elementary school, and there always was that guy who was accustomed to being metaphorically on top, then suddenly he started losing his spot?
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" As we explained last August: "In politics, a dog whistle is a rhetorical device--an oral expression susceptible to two interpretations, one straightforward and one, metaphorically speaking, at a higher frequency.
Sand Hill Road was, metaphorically, a one-way street.
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From a church whose acoustics are meant to have the likeness of "singing in a violin, " to a chapel that literally and metaphorically unites a bride and groom in marriage, the buildings featured in the gallery above, challenge design notions of sacred spaces.
If this gang warfare in cyberland reaches its logical conclusion, rather than living in a civilized society, we will all inhabit, metaphorically at least, stone castles with draw bridges, from which we never emerge adorned with less than 500 lbs of steel armor.
Metaphorically, it compels the builder of a quality general education system to shake each pillar that supports system quality and then allows the builder to focus the repairs on pillars that rattle the most and specifically those whose rattle threatens to collapse the system if not repaired.