Sharma gave the crowd something to cheer with a mighty 90 metre swipe over mid-wicket.
Across the UK there are too few 50-metre pools and that is the major thing that needs changing.
If the warming continues, it said, seas may rise by as much as a metre.
The radon concentration in the average UK home is about 20 becquerels per cubic metre.
The formation would have to fly with a precision of a few billionths of a metre.
But Hook went on to keep his head and tremendously kicked a 52-metre penalty.
Measurements from orbit suggest that the martian permafrost is within half a metre of the surface.
LZ-N07, a 75-metre semi-rigid design that can carry two tonnes of cargo, or 12 passengers.
In the Marais, where many expats now live, it is 12, 000 euros per square metre.
But when the ball was recycled, Borthwick drove Easter over from a metre out.
For a 500-metre stretch, staircases and the stumpy remains of walls disappear into the sea.
Huge 80-metre-long turbine blades, made in a single span, for vast wind farms out at sea.
Fans of judo should thus be as easy to satisfy as those of the 100-metre sprint.
The princess opened the 152-metre three-span structure by unveiling a plaque in honour of PC Barker.
Westerman missed a 40-metre penalty as he attempted to give Cas some breathing space.
Water tables are dropping by a metre or more every year across much of northern China.
This involves crossing a 4, 700-metre-high pass on a donkey, and is impossible in winter.
In the lndo-Pacific Ocean, for example, there are as many as 1000 species per square metre.
The USSR originally thought the 22 metre-long missiles could be mistaken for palm trees.
"Every half-metre, it takes a measurement of the temperature and the salinity, " said Mr Hadow.
She is now deciding whether to compete in the three-metre synchronised event on Sunday.
BBC: SPORT | Other Sport... | Swimming | Indergaard makes key breakthrough
Hougaard converted but failed with a 52-metre penalty to win it in the dying minutes.
That is - details on the ground as small as half a metre are discernable.
He got the dogs' attention, took the bowls outside, placed them a metre apart.
Almost a metre of snow has fallen in some resorts in the last two weeks.
The Gaillard Cut, a bottleneck, is being straightened and deepened by an extra metre.
Estimates vary between 50cms and more than a metre over the next 40 to 100 years.
From the penalty, on the Sharks 10 metre line, Hill put Bristol into the lead.
In effect, nanotubes act as wires a few billionths of a metre in diameter.
Conventional transistors typically have a gate length of 180 billionths of a metre (nanometres).