At number 17 on the list is my home metropolitan area, Phoenix, Ariz.
Boise, Idaho's biggest city, anchors a metropolitan area that is home to an estimated 637, 000 people.
"Wireless LANs solve the problem of the last mile, particularly in a metropolitan area, " says Ma.
The metropolitan area currently employs around 228, 000 people, or around 50, 000 more than in 1997.
It said it was contemplating such schemes in only one urban and one non-metropolitan area, initially.
Washington now has the third largest concentration of high-income households of any metropolitan area in America.
Like me, Scott has three kids, lives in the Philly metropolitan area and loves coffee.
Staging really isn't something you can avoid, at least if you live in a major metropolitan area.
C. metropolitan area and save our nonprofit partners millions of dollars they can use for other programs.
The worst city for finding a job this spring: the New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island metropolitan area.
If you just walk around New York City or any major metropolitan area, people are not shopping.
California rents even beat out those in New York, which has the seventh-highest rent of any major metropolitan area.
It is unconscionable that the FAA permits unregulated flights in a crowded airspace in a major metropolitan area.
The flooding threatened to ruin food supplies across La Plata's metropolitan area, which has nearly 1 million people.
Toyota, Lexmark International, Hewlett-Packard, UPS, Affiliated Computer Services and Amazon employ thousands of workers in the metropolitan area.
Though known for its spectacular natural beauty, more than half of Coloradans live in the Denver metropolitan area.
Cablevision's strategy in recent years has been to sell its cable assets outside the New York metropolitan area.
Our numbers are drawn from the U.S. government's National, State and Metropolitan Area Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates.
Average daily room rates for the metropolitan area that includes Tampa and St.
He called it the deadliest crash in the history of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, known as Metro.
Once upon a time, a smattering of new HD channels in one major metropolitan area was a huge deal.
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority said it would restore limited rail service.
Conditions at Ochsner mirrored those reported at medical facilities around the metropolitan area.
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority is preparing for up to 800, 000 people around the inaugural and the preceding weekend.
Authorities evacuated 500 people in the western and southern areas of the metropolitan area as the storm raged, Timerman said.
Vegas continues to explode in population and is now the largest metropolitan area in the country without a major-league franchise.
The company is the sixth-largest cable operator in the country, with 3 million subscribers in the New York metropolitan area.
The housing-related posts (organized by metropolitan area) are a wealth of information for those looking to live on the cheap.
Yet it accounts for only 1.5m people (and falling), in a metropolitan area of 3m people and 32 town halls.
The metropolitan area with the most optimistic forecast of all for hiring this fall is the San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, Calif.