Leaves, stems, roots and microorganisms in the potting mix also act as a filtering system.
In her lab at Northern Kentucky University, Barton has identified 24 new microorganisms with antibiotic properties.
Scientists know the body harbors trillions of such microorganisms indeed, they outnumber human cells 10 to 1.
It will attract worms and microorganisms, which burrow and make openings for air and water.
According to the news, the unicellular microorganisms are rod-shaped and nourish themselves by photosynthesis.
It finds microorganisms that have hidden themselves in hot, dangerous enkvironments and steals their most valuable chemicals.
It houses millions of microorganisms and bacteria that exist for the sole function of eating dead things.
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Yogurt, beer, tofu and bread are made with microorganisms that have been painstakingly modified and optimized over centuries.
Astrobiologists think such moons are promising places to go look for extra-terrestrial microorganisms.
They are caused by the excretions of extremophiles, microorganisms that prosper in starved conditions most forms of life can't endure.
They collect sediment in Comet Lake to search for diatoms, microorganisms whose skeletal remains allow scientists to reconstruct past climates.
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Since then, companies working on new devices aimed at detecting deadly chemicals, explosives and microorganisms have received a lot of attention.
This would prove that as long as you steal from microorganisms hiding in hot springs, a little genetic pickpocketing can pay.
Once triggered by sunlight, clothing made out of the fabric will be able to rid itself of dirt, pollutants and microorganisms.
This technology allows not only a sensitive detection but also a precise quantification of the different microorganisms present in a given sample.
That could result in a "cytokine storm" in which the body secretes too many chemicals as it tries to kill offending microorganisms.
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Scientists have been able to survey the distribution of microorganisms only in the lab or in emergency situations like epidemic outbreaks.
His scientists are working on a process to grow more microorganisms as well as alter their metabolism to produce even more methane.
And when new or rare diseases are found, doctors worldwide turn to the CDC to figure out which microorganisms they are battling.
Engineers who put these HVAC systems together could start using biological evidence to redesign them so they limit the growth of harmful microorganisms.
And whether the microorganisms come from Yellowstone or elsewhere, Diversa is fast to find out if they carry any marketable chemicals on them.
Their quest: microorganisms that survive in extreme surroundings by producing digestive enzymes that excel in withering heat and pressure--ideal for an industrial refinery.
So it is funding research into getting microorganisms to extract energy from things like metal ions abundant in the earth or solar electricity.
"From an evolutionary perspective, our relationship with the microorganisms that live in us has basically been symbiotic, and we have evolved together, " she says.
Diversa is perhaps best known for having contracted with Yellowstone National Park to plumb the DNA of the microorganisms that live in geologic formations there.
The cells that make up our bodies are outnumbered within and on the surface of our skin by microorganisms by a factor of 10 to 1.
The cave environment is a tough place in which to make a living, limited in food and essential nutrients, forcing microorganisms to fight over limited resources.
Obama may be busy with the upcoming election, but he said he'd still like to know immediately whether Curiosity finds life -- even microorganisms -- on Mars.
To liberate the hydrogen, Virginia Tech scientists separated a number of enzymes from their native microorganisms to create a customized enzyme cocktail that does not occur in nature.
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In food equipment as in any environment where microorganisms can occur naturally or be spread by contact, it is essential to follow proven steps for cleaning and sanitizing.