However, because of different methodology, the fish gets a middle-of-the-road "yellow" from the Blue Ocean Institute.
Still, it is Lula, with his middle-of-the road course, who is poised for re-election later this fall.
This official, formerly a member of Congress, is a middle-of-the-road kind of guy.
Mr Obama's relentless courting of middle-of-the road voters also paid off, providing him with some evidence that he has succeeded in crossing the red-blue divide.
Still more will find themselves out of work on election night, as the recent round of redistricting threatens several middle-of-the-road representatives in Illinois, North Carolina and elsewhere.
The first crack at forming a coalition will therefore go to an amiable nonentity, Kjell Magne Bondevik, leader of the middle-of-the-road Christian People's Party, which made big gains.
The more middle-of-the-road Washington Post wrote an editorial sharply critical of Romano Prodi's view that the events in Spain prove that force is not the answer to terrorism.
It was so caught up with selling millions of candy-bar-shaped phones that it got passed by Samsung, LG and especially Motorola's RAZR, which became everyone's middle-of-the-road clamshell phone.
The other school, which contains plenty of pessimistic conservatives, believes that Mr Bush will opt for more moderate candidates in the hope of avoiding alienating middle-of-the-road swing voters.
But it would become harder for them to get along with the clutch of centre-left parties within the present ruling coalition, most of which still want to woo middle-of-the-road voters.
Libertarians argue that the Republican Party is too much in the pocket of ageing social conservatives such as James Dobson of Focus on the Family, activists who do not represent the views of common-or-garden Evangelicals let alone middle-of-the-road Americans.
Mr Netanyahu, with an eye to the middle-of-the-road voter, could conceivably swing the pendulum leftwards again in the months ahead, perhaps carrying out the next phase of withdrawal prescribed by Wye and softening his refusal to free more political prisoners.
He is middle-class, middle-of-the-road, and moderate.
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Mr DiIulio is a studiously middle-of-the road figure, an active New Democrat who hangs his hat at the Brookings Institution as well as the Manhattan Institute and who wrote a coruscating article denouncing the Supreme Court decision that brought Mr Bush to office.
Still, Mr Gligorov's government was understandably twitchy when Abdul-Rahman Ariti, leader of Macedonia's middle-of-the-road ethnic-Albanian party, which is part of the ruling coalition, recently accompanied Arben Dzaferi, the head of the country's much fierier Albanian nationalist party, on a trip to Albania's capital, Tirana.
Mr Netanyahu is expected to make a bid for the middle-of-the-road vote.
If a deal is signed, he will project himself to the middle-of-the-road voter as a tough bargainer who is also a pragmatist and statesman.
Instead, they are backing the middle-of-the-road foreign minister, Keizo Obuchi.
The students, despite coming from a privileged group, are not that right-wing: only 25% considered themselves on the right compared with 10% left and 51% middle-of-the-road. (Don't knows and others constitute the balance.) Yet they confidently assume that the forward march of market forces will not be halted.
But he said the "middle-of-the-road audience" may have to choose between Holland and Cullum and alternative attractions at Summer Pops.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North West Wales | Bryn Terfel festival 'crisis'
We were disappointed by the keyboard and T-Mobile's choice to bring a pair of Gingerbread phones to its lineup in the summer of 2012 (for future updates, the companies told us they would work together, but stopped short of promising anything) certainly doesn't help endear us to the brand by any means, but it's otherwise solidly made and is a good representation of Huawei's middle-of-the-road offerings.
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Middle-of-the-road, middle-class Spaniards are still put off by a whiff of autocratic intolerance in his party.
Debit interchange fees in the US are already middle-of-the-road compared to more regulated markets.
His music truly lives up to this, with a song that meanders incessantly along the featureless track marked middle-of-the-road.
It is still not yet certain that the conservatives' new middle-of-the-road message, with its stress on family values and creating new jobs, had been getting through.
The film gets a very middle-of-the-road B rating from audiences, according to Cinemascore.
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At the Republican convention in San Francisco, Goldwater attacked middle-of-the-road Republicanism.
The Bavarian leader is managing to present himself as a middle-of-the-road moderate.