Hundreds of migrant workers toiling in the South won't be called north this year.
Migrant workers who could afford a pound of rice, can afford two pounds of rice.
What he said gave me an interesting insight into the resilience of migrant workers.
Their compound is down a narrow alleyway lined with makeshift concrete shacks for migrant workers.
"Coverage is extended to all migrant workers in Shanghai, " Mr. Han told a press briefing.
It's transportation systems have drawn migrant workers from almost everywhere, and they brought their music along.
The number of migrant workers has jumped to 30 from just three last year.
Migrant workers look through catalogues of photocopied DVD covers and point to their selection.
Migrant workers have been quietly encouraged, but no new registrations have been accepted since 2006.
It is now one of the most popular countries for migrant workers to settle.
Slough council estimates that 2-3, 000 households have converted their sheds to house migrant workers.
Sophie Barrett-Brown argued that migrant workers' dependants should not be included in the cap.
This is not some housing complex for Beijing's hundreds of thousands of migrant workers.
Trade unions recently said migrant workers who come to the UK legally had boosted the economy.
Critics say the problems could be due to the pressures many of China's migrant workers face.
These include migrant workers from Egypt, where Coptic Christians are the biggest religious minority.
Most politicians in Lincolnshire believe that migrant workers have had a positive effect on the county's economy.
BBC: Cameron says British workers should replace EU migrants
Boston employs a large number of seasonal migrant workers on surrounding farms to harvest fruits and vegetables.
BBC: Welfare reform will deter 'migrant' jobs: David Cameron
Ireland used to be an "exporter" of migrant workers, who left its shores for a better life.
Put simply, immigration will always be high because British people won't do the jobs migrant workers do.
All around them are factories staffed by young women, most of them migrant workers from northern provinces.
About 20 million migrant workers at factories and construction sites have already lost their jobs, according to government s estimates.
One big new player is the Gulf, which has sucked in migrant workers since the oil boom.
While working at the orchard, Homer shares a wooden shack with a group of black migrant workers.
More British people should be filling jobs that are currently held by migrant workers, according to David Cameron.
BBC: Cameron says British workers should replace EU migrants
Flows of remittances from the US to Mexico are among the largest flows among all migrant workers worldwide.
One of the greatest issues for China's 250 million migrant workers is the "hukou" system of household registration.
To build roads and harvest fields, Bhutan imports up to 100, 000 migrant workers from India's poorest northern states.
China has an estimated 250 million migrant workers, most of them in Guangzhou, Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghai.
Such transfers typically cut transaction costs, plug leakages, curb corruption, help migrant workers and are easier to monitor.