To revert to Mr Holbrooke's question, Islamist militancy is not the only crisis of Pakistan.
Pakistan has vehemently denied the charges, adding that the country faces significant internal threats from militancy.
Mr Kidd also says he is unconcerned about the apparent growth of labour militancy in Indonesia.
He doubts that changes in the law now will bring back trade union militancy.
The book's final chapters, on Pakistan's recent struggle with militancy and extremism, are less good.
The letter calls attention to concerns that Britain's foreign policy is fueling militancy among young British Muslims.
For most moneymen, steady dialogue with firms, rather than shareholder militancy, still seems the best way forward.
India had hoped that Pakistan would respond to its ceasefire by curbing militancy in the Muslim-majority state.
The Nation says the menace of militancy is "a daunting task" and "a well-thought-out strategy has to be devised".
There seem to be signs that it is moving beyond Hindu militancy toward a more pragmatic and moderate stance.
Bills were introduced to curb union militancy, privatise state industries and allow council home owners to buy their houses.
Most of them are Hindus who fled the rising Muslim militancy in 1990.
He writes penetratingly about the spreading opposition to jihadist militancy among mainstream Muslims.
Kazakhstan has warned Islamists that militancy will not be allowed to take root.
But Gamaat may find committing itself to international militancy easier said than done.
The unions' earlier militancy is the main reason for their relative docility today.
But the focus for militancy in Canada has not just been abroad - it has had an increasingly domestic focus.
The power and militancy of Local 1877, a novelty in a town long inhospitable to unions, are the result of immigration.
Looking at Lonmin, other miners may conclude that militancy is the only way to squeeze more money out of their employers.
Growing militancy by technology companies, including those who are themselves beneficiaries of the patent system, may lead Washington to act.
FORBES: At CES, Companies Large and Small Bash Broken Patent System
On the one hand, he epitomized the dogged militancy which has given that tradition its distinctive sense of righteousness and moral passion.
As finance minister, she is blamed for rising inflation and trade-union militancy, both triggered by the floating of the Sri Lankan rupee.
Winning practical benefits for their members need not mean confrontation and militancy.
Clinton's speech also dwelt on Muslim militancy and the threat of war.
Some have suggested, for example, that to curb Islamist militancy European states should train Muslim clerics and reduce the influence of foreign-trained firebrands.
Dr Askari fears a government under Mr Sharif will tilt towards the politico-religious right, and thereby create further confusion in how to deal with militancy.
So why do Muslims in America seem more immune from militancy?
ECONOMIST: Unlike in America, terrorism in Europe is often home-grown
All this puts Nawaz Sharif in a much better position than his predecessors to help curb militancy and bring long-awaited peace to both Pakistan and Afghanistan.
There is a precedent for militancy involving Algerians: Montreal resident and al-Qaeda member Ahmed Ressam planned to bomb Los Angeles International Airport on New Year's Eve in 2000.