Washington has been pushing Pakistan to mount an offensive against these militant sanctuaries for years, but Pakistan has resisted, saying it must consolidate its gains against Taliban militants elsewhere first.
India has experienced insurgencies and militant secessionist movements for years, but rarely has any triggered this level of patriotic fervor.
The claims caused alarm in the West, particularly in the US, which has been training troops in Mali and neighbouring countries to tackle the militant threat for several years.
BBC: Mali crisis: US admits mistakes in training local troops
Militant groups have for years waged a violent campaign in the Niger Delta, demanding that local people see more of the benefits of the region's oil wealth - there is also a huge problem of oil theft in the area.
Thousands of Pakistanis have been killed in militant attacks in the past three years.
BBC: Pakistan: Teenager tells of failed suicide bomb mission
Two years ago, imprisoned militant leaders declared a ceasefire that has held until now.
The authorities say more than 20 young men have travelled back from Minnesota to Somalia in recent years to join the the militant group al-Shabab, which had control of large parts of the country.
BBC: Somali president Mohamud's plea to diaspora in Minnesota
Fatah leadership has had a great deal of support from the West and has been warned over the years not to join hands with militant Hamas, which several countries have deemed a terrorist organization.
CNN: Gaza rally called step toward unity for Fatah and Hamas
It blames the Islamist groups for stoking the insurgency against its rule in part of Kashmir a conflict which has cost perhaps 80, 000 lives in the past 15 years, and which has seen militant attacks and counter-insurgency killings in Indian Kashmir even since the earthquake.
Palestinians have faced political stagnation since the Islamic militant Hamas seized power in the Gaza Strip five years ago.
Under the Saudi Education Ministry's method of rote learning, these teachings amount to indoctrination, starting in first grade and continuing through high school, where militant jihad on behalf of "truth" has for years been taught as a sacred duty.
No-one has said they were behind the attack, but it happened in an area where the Islamist militant group, Boko Haram, has been active in recent years.
The Pakistani Taliban is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of civilians and security personnel over the past few years, but there has not been a major militant attack in the country for several months.
The militant wing of Hamas has carried out numerous terrorist attacks in recent years, killing many civilians.
Over the last few years, the US has used controversial drone attacks to hit militant targets in Pakistan from Afghanistan.
Ships took three years to build (not helped by frequent strikes at the militant yard), incurring crippling penalties for late deliveries.
Boko Haram is an Islamist militant group that has carried out scores of attacks across the north over the years.
Mullah Nazir's group is one of several militant factions operating in Pakistan's restive north-west - in recent years there have been divisions among these groups.
BBC: Pakistan militant Mullah Nazir killed 'in drone attack'
Militant groups in the Kashmir territory have battled Indian rule there for about 12 years with estimates of the death toll varying from 33, 000 to 80, 000 people.
Despite enormous energy potential across the region, North African states have struggled over the last two years to offer a stable working environment for foreign firms, complete with militant attacks on facilities and growing labor unrest.
Four years ago, Mr Islam was deported from Israel over allegations that he backed militant Muslims.
Militant Islam of the AKP variety has been enjoying growing popularity and support throughout Turkey for many years.
The split between the militant group and Mr Abbas's Fatah party has led to Palestinian elections being postponed for several years.
Ranging in age between 16 and 24 years, the youths had crossed into Syria to join a battalion led by a member of a militant Islamist group known as Fatah al-Islam, which is fighting to overturn the Syrian government, according to family members of some of the dead youth.
WSJ: As Syrian Crisis Intensifies, Fight Bleeds Into Lebanon
The party's militant wing is widely believed to be behind a wave of ethnic and political killings in Karachi over the last few years.
In the years since, a radical Muslim insurgency has spread from Chechnya across the entire North Caucasus region, and militant attacks have become a frequent occurrence in Ingushetia.