Then came co-education, when virtually every all-male college, apart from the military academies, began accepting women.
The exceptions are that small percentage of us who are home-schooled or attend parochial schools or military academies.
He also attended basketball and volleyball games between military academies, which state media call "anti-American games", and watched a concert, it added.
It ended last season ranked 15th out of the 38 NCAA teams in the country tied with one of the top military academies, Virginia Military Institute.
Many of their successors are products of the country's military academies.
Phillips also produced special coverage and documentaries on the announcement of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in Alaska, Hurricane Katrina, and sexual assault in prestigious U.S. military academies.
Replying to another user who said that those who attended military academies know that "such chants are sung everyday while jogging", Admiral Gonzalez said that the instruction was to sing "military chants".
This has been described by various experts as the equivalent of Sandhurst and West Point which are the leading military academies in the U.K. and U.S. It was a house which was very noticeable.
Once it makes the assessment that Mr Assad and his Alawite officers, some of them trained in Russian military academies, are likely to lose power, then Moscow needs to find a way to shift allegiances.
Visits for Western dignitaries to inspect military installations and modern armaments, exchanges between senior students at military academies and candid accounts of the shortcomings of Soviet armed forces in Afghanistan all convey an impression of unprecedented openness, seemingly incompatible with hostile intent or threatening capabilities.
Visits for Western dignitaries to inspect military installations and modern armaments, exchanges between senior students at military academies and candid accounts of the shortcomings of Soviet armed forces in Afghanistan -- all convey an impression of unprecedented openness, seemingly incompatible with hostile intent or threatening capabilities.
The resulting study involved a survey of 400, 000 soldiers and 150, 000 spouses, 95 public forums, 140 focus groups, an external review by consultants from the RAND Corporation and numerous consultations with senior soldiers, army chaplains, military doctors, the heads of military academies, foreign allies, veterans' groups, politicians and activists both for and against repeal not to mention a review of 72, 384 comments submitted by e-mail.
The president traditionally delivers the commencement address at one of the military service academies every year.
He was educated at military schools and academies where he gained a Masters degree in military science.
What have Indonesian military officers learned in their academies?
Students at these academies receive a year-long deferment of their military service.