ANKARA, Turkey (CNN) -- Turkish military and government officials denied Saturday sending a large force of Turkish troops into northern Iraq.
High-ranking American military and government officials have traveled to Islamabad recently to press Pakistan's government to take military action against Taliban sanctuaries.
Congolese military and government officials could not be reached for comment, but in the past have denied accusations of forcibly recruiting civilians.
Israeli military and government officials declined to comment about the strike.
Some US military and Iraqi government officials have privately expressed concern that the violence might again rise as US troops are pulled out.
However, it was amended earlier this week to limit the immunity to government and military officials who served alongside Mr Saleh.
Working with local government and military officials, they have demonstrated their readiness to assume responsibility for the provincial security of Babil.
Mr. Dolan, whose work takes him around the world, noted that in cities such as Moscow, there are special fast lanes for the military, high-ranking government officials and the rich.
WSJ: Urban Gardner: Rewarding New York City's Public-Service Stars
He was one of the key figures in the Muslim community who helped begin the Islamic chaplain program in the military in the 1990s, government officials and Muslim activists said.
Plan Colombia, instituted by the Clinton Administration, has for eight years trained and upgraded Colombian military and police forces, established job training programs for demobilized guerrillas and paramilitaries, and trained local government officials in effective community administration.
These are the senior military and intelligence officials in the U.S. government who are privy to all the relevant facts.
In a statement issued on Sunday, officials said the men were plotting to overthrow Mr Yayi and install a military government in Benin.
Investigators found instances in which military officials accepted bribes from contractors, major construction projects had fallen short of expectations and government disarray hampered progress in Iraq.
He is the first member of the generation born after the Cuban Revolution to reach the powerful position and stands in contrast to many of the octogenarian military officials who hold top positions in the government.
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and other officials warn that the cuts will have a dire impact on government operations and military readiness.
As former military leaders and foreign policy officials, we call on the Bush administration to engage immediately in direct talks with the government of Iran without preconditions to help resolve the current crisis in the Middle East and settle differences over the Iranian nuclear program.
Will the Sandinistas try to coerce the victorious President-elect Chamorro into accepting what would amount to a coalition government, with Sandinista officials in key positions such as those controlling (and staffing) the military, the secret police, the banks, educational institutions, and the media, communications and transportation sectors of the economy?