The United States responded with a military buildup, including ground troops deployed to Kuwait.
He refused to use our air power to destroy any Serbian military buildup or offense.
Lobov, who recently averred that the U.S. military buildup could "wreck" the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) talks underway in Vienna.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Scorecard For Moscow's 'Double Game' In Iraq
The officials in the meeting managed to survive, and in the military buildup that followed the 9-11 attacks, so did the aircraft carriers.
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Take Clinton's proposal to hike in defense spending by nearly 7 percent, the biggest increase in the Pentagon's budget since the Reagan-era military buildup of the 1980s.
Former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, architect of the military buildup that is credited with hastening the collapse of the Soviet Union, joined Rumsfeld in presenting the award to Schlesinger.
Reagan initiated history's biggest peacetime military buildup.
General Electric bought RCA in 1986 in a belated effort to benefit from the Reagan military buildup, but sold the military part of the business to Lockheed Martin during the defense-sector consolidation that followed the end of the Cold War.
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He also had good fortune to govern California at a time when surging Japanese investment, the high tech boom and, perhaps most important of all, the military buildup accelerated by the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan generated a remarkable economic boom.
Since the buildup to the fiscal cliff deal, military contractors have been left in a state of great uncertainty about what to expect for their businesses, which are dependent on federal funds.
Much of the U.S. aid is going to military hardware, and many within the region argue that the buildup will only escalate the fighting.
Regarding the third element of the sizing standard, without a sense of against whom or when a buildup might be required, it is impossible for the military to judge how much equipment or which people and capabilities should be retained as it downsizes today in order to have the ability to expand in the face of a larger future threat.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Section IV: Building a Two-MRC Force for the 21st Century