Another is the weakening of French demands for the EU to develop its own military capability.
Georgian Interior Minister Vano Merabishvili said they'd been collecting information about the country's military capability, energy security and political parties.
It bears reemphasizing: our military forces, both forward deployed and based at home, are only part of our military capability.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Transforming the United States Global Defense Post
In particular, it may seek to extract massive additional economic and technological assistance primarily to maintain an otherwise unsustainable military capability.
First, the make-up of the stockpile conforms to national security requirements and is a constituent element of the overall U.S. military capability.
The navy said the 65, 000 tonne Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers, which will be based in Portsmouth, will be the "centre piece of the UK's military capability".
With the use of privatized security services, a robust military capability can still be maintained by the U.N. peacekeeping force without the attendant political backlash caused by casualties to U.S. forces.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Impact of Private Security on US Foreign Policy
The defence secretary has said Mr Cameron has been his "greatest ally" in discussions over the UK's future military capability and the need to continue fully supporting the war in Afghanistan.
While counter measures are to be expected, as they are with respect to every other military capability, there is every reason to believe that U.S. scientists and engineers can prepare and field necessary counter- counter-measures.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Sea-Based Missile Defenses �� for the Allies, for the U.S.
Professor GERALD STEINBERG (Bar Ilan University): There's a lot of criticism of Peretz as defense minister not only with no military capability but making grandiose speeches about capabilities about mission or war aims that just couldn't be met.
As with the CWC, the U.S. entered into the earlier convention because it did not wish to maintain the relevant military capability and thought it would be better off signing up other nations to a ban -- even one that was wholly unverifiable and unenforceable.
"But I think as a symbol, the feedback that we receive in our dialogue throughout the region is that the regional partners regard this step by the Chinese in the midst of what has otherwise been a remarkable growth in their military capability as significant, " he said.
In the absence of a clear and driving threat, such as that provided by the Soviet Union, its role was as a placeholder, allowing defense planners and budgeters to define a useful and affordable military capability that could respond to the range of known demands and unknown future contingencies.
The Center for Security Policy has long believed that the B-2 represents for the future what the weapons that acquitted themselves so well in the Gulf constitute today: the difference between a decisive military capability necessary to meet long-term, global American security requirements and one that is wholly inadequate to that task.
The team could retain its military observer capability and continue its fact-finding work, but with a limited scope in light of the violence in Syria, the report says.
Martin Dempsey, said at the end of April: "The U.S. military has the capability to defeat that system (of Syrian air defenses), but it would be a greater challenge, and would take longer and require more resources" than in Libya.
"They certainly respect the capability for our military, " he said.
The DDG 1000 is a multimission surface ship designed to provide advanced land attack capability and contribute to military dominance in the shallow coastal waters known as the littorals.
FORBES: Microgrids: Ten Clean Technologies Needed to Win the Next Naval War
And let me say again on behalf of the President, the people of the United States, we applaud your decisiveness and I might add the incredible competence and capability of your French military forces.
It suits their diplomatic, economic, military and intelligence interests, just as such a capability in potentially unfriendly hands can be a threat to ours.
Even when fully within NATO's military structure, France will still retain its independent nuclear capability and defence autonomy.
If America should pursue only its vital national interests, there may be very little for our military to do and small justification for a robust combat capability.
We will go on doing, as the military, what we need to do until the Afghan capability is good enough to take over from us.
Such a capability promises, quite simply, to revolutionize military aviation.
War is the use of military force to attack another nation and damage or destroy its capability and will to resist.
Military leaders have been predicting for years that information technology will produce huge gains in warfighting capability.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Time for the Bush military build-up
These are five Global Hawk drones that provide the kind of surveillance capability that we saw in the Libya operation was so vital to the effective operation of our military.
"While the CIA needs to maintain a paramilitary capability ... the CIA should not be used, in my view, to carry out traditional military activities, " Brennan wrote, referring to activities like the special operations raid that killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.
Over time, the requirement evolved from maintaining the capability to defeat two conventionally armed aggressors to a more complex formulation in which the U.S. military was asked to be able to conduct a single campaign against a conventional adversary while waging a long-duration counterinsurgency and stability campaign or protecting the homeland against attack and providing support to civil authorities.