Under threat from Hutu extremists, they believe they must have military control to survive.
The U.S. kept military control of Okinawa until 1972, 20 years after the rest of Japan regained its sovereignty.
In both cases, the erosion of the Israeli and American achievements is due to waning political will to maintain military control.
"It won't happen overnight, " the U.S. official said, adding that operations in some countries would transfer to U.S. military control before other nations.
The nuclear programme was supposed to be under close military control.
For instance, Israel would regain complete military control over the areas.
This invisible network of mutual back-scratching made it difficult for anyone outside the military to control it - or even understand it.
The unrest in Egypt has settled, but the future there is not yet clear, as the military takes control on promises of free elections.
What is more, telephone switches have numerous applications in dedicated military command, control and communications equipment.
But more recently, as the movement disintegrated, the Cambodian military has assumed control of the multimillion-dollar business.
Nuclear weapons can be a costly nightmare of military command, control and security.
By law, the military must cede control of all of them by 2009.
He was the first senior figure to speak openly about the kaleidoscope of military factions that control political life in Algeria.
While sensible Western military and arms control postures will play an essential role in the implementation of this approach, so will a host of other policies, many of which have not previously been treated as important tools for advancing national security interests.
In the past whenever there has been civil unrest in Pakistan, the military has managed to control the situation.
Lord Lieutenants were originally appointed in Henry VIII's reign to control the military.
Their successors have allowed only limited civilian control over military affairs.
Leaked documents show a timetable for a "conditions-based and phased transition" to Afghan forces taking control of military operations, starting within months, the Independent on Sunday said.
BBC: Afghanistan aid spending boost expected to be announced
It would be manifestly contrary to U.S. interests even to try since those interests dictate that the American military be able to control space as a theater of operations in any future conflict.
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The court ruled that a law banning former regime members from vying for office violated Egypt's constitution and touched off a firestorm of debate over how much control the military would have in the country.
Mubarak was toppled less than two weeks later, but Shafik remained in power for a few weeks longer, saying he and his government would report to the military council that took control of the country after Mubarak resigned.
Early Australia (ie, Sydney) was exclusively convict, under the control of a military garrison.
What it wants to avoid is a parallel military structure acting outside its control.
Although Ne Win resigned in July 1988, the military junta remained firmly in control of the country.
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Earlier, rebels and government forces reportedly clashed near Aleppo as they fought for control of a military airbase.
But at the same time you want civilians at all times to be in control of the military.
Since October 1, the U.S. military has been handing over control of these groups to the predominantly Shiite government.
C4ISR is military jargon for command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.
This is not to say that the intelligence community is infallible or that civilian control of the military should not be exercised.
Chavez has also moved to establish full control of the military by attempting to integrate the national armed forces into the Bolivarian political project.