Late Friday, CNN Turk military correspondent Kemal Yurteri reported that more than 1, 000 Turkish troops were beginning to cross the border into Iraq.
Within hours, a contingent of more than 1, 000 Turkish troops began crossing the border into northern Iraq, CNN Turk Military Correspondent Kemal Yurteri reported.
Mr. MICHAEL GORDON (Military Correspondent, New York Times): Well one thing that's striking about the memo, which was based on a trip to Baghdad by Steve Hadley, the national security advisor and several of his aides, is that they're not talking about replacing al-Maliki.
Military Affairs Correspondent Jamie McIntyre contributed to this report.
Although he saw some action and was, famously, captured and then escaped, he really joined the military to be a war correspondent.
Our correspondent said the military plan over the next 12 months was to reduce the number of British troops at Basra airport from 5, 500 to just 1, 500, although he cautioned that this could be changed by surprise political announcements.
Quoting diplomatic and military sources, BBC West Africa correspondent Thomas Fessy said French troops would take part in the second phase of the Mali operation, namely driving Islamists out of the main towns they occupied.
It has told our correspondent that it wants the Burmese military to scale back its operations throughout Kachin state and not just around Laiza.
According to the report, Peter Mutharika, a brother of the dead president and a former foreign minister, and Mr Gondwe, the current economic planning minister, had suggested to army commander Gen Henry Odillo that the military "just take over", our correspondent says.
Our correspondent says Mr Zardari cannot accept any military activities which will increase the mood of anti-Americanism in his country and from his perspective make the fight against militancy more difficult.
This is potentially a huge deal, which could dramatically increase India's military capabilities, the BBC's defence and security correspondent Nick Childs says.
After all, President George W Bush has often spoken of America's debt to the country's military personnel for their service in Afghanistan and Iraq, our correspondent says.
At the request of the military, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN's chief medical correspondent and a neurosurgeon, was the lead surgeon in an operation on a 12-year-old Haitian girl rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard.
Although this is the most official claim to date, there are questions about how the Chadian military were able to confirm the militant's identity so quickly, our correspondent says.
Many Democrats will feel queasy about voting to interfere in military matters, particularly if the newly-appointed commanders in Iraq say they need the reinforcements, our correspondent says.
Gen Evren's indictment carries great symbolic significance in Turkey, our correspondent says, demonstrating how far the balance of power has shifted away from the once untouchable military establishment.