In early July Russia staged a massive military exercise on the border with South Ossetia.
During one military exercise called Bright Star, I saw a lot of Egypt up close.
Russia is preparing to hold a large military exercise near the conflict zone.
Joint Warrior is Europe's largest military exercise and is held twice a year.
The Pentagon, however, said last month France would not be invited to a major military exercise in Nevada next year.
And ultimately I think in trying to defeat these terrorist extremists, it's important to understand it's not just a military exercise.
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Even at noisy and chaotic times, such as during a military exercise, augmented cognition has worked surprisingly well, says Dr Schmorrow.
More than 5, 000 UK personnel are to take part in the largest military exercise in Europe this year, the MoD has said.
BBC: UK deploying 5,250 personnel for Exercise Joint Warrior
On Wednesday, Blair visited British troops taking part in a military exercise in Oman and held a meeting and private dinner with Sultan Qaboos.
Analyst Daniel Pinkston said the reported test might be training for a future test but it could also just be a routine military exercise.
Capt Palmer told the inquest soldiers were firing covering shots during a military exercise and then were switched to a new target on the range.
The Russians, however, said this was merely a military exercise.
He posed with smiling Inuit children, took the controls of a submarine and stood on the deck of a frigate as three fighter aircraft roared over Frobisher Bay in a military exercise dubbed Operation Nanook.
ECONOMIST: The prime minister tries to marry defence and welfare
In Oman, which in 2001 hosted the largest British overseas military exercise in recent history, the defence relationship is so close that a British two-star Major General is stationed permanently in the capital Muscat, to oversee the relationship.
The intelligence official, who could also not be named for security reasons, said the launches came as no surprise because North Korea had issued a warning to mariners to avoid an area in the Sea of Japan at certain times between June 24 and July 9 because of a "military firing exercise, " according to a U.S. military communication about the warning provided to CNN.
We do make sure that when we exercise military force we use the right resources, sufficient to get the job done.
BBC: Private Jessica Lynch after her rescue by US Special Forces
After nearly a decade of declining activity, the Russian military began to exercise its forces in mission areas it believed were essential for deterrence, global reach and rapid reaction.
The United States also committed to join partner nations next year for the third ARF Disaster Relief Exercise co-hosted by Thailand and South Korea and the inaugural ASEAN-led, ADMM-Plus HADR and Military-Medicine Exercise hosted by Brunei.
Another military source said another Iranian exercise is under way inside the Persian Gulf with surface ships and submarines.
Referring to this week's exercise he said the military advice to the government "will depend on the success of that test".
This was not a military drill but a search and rescue exercise.
Data from other studies suggest that co-ordinated physical exercise can heighten social bonds (as in military training).
And it was made worse when President Obama announced last summer that he would exercise his authority under the budget law to exempt military personnel from the cuts.
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Such individuals are unlikely to be able either to utilize the products of intelligence properly or to exercise the kind of effective civilian control of the military that is clearly required.
But it is not a straightforward exercise even to separate who is civilian and who is military personnel - the two forces are structured and organised completely differently.
The incident followed another on March 18 in which seven Marines were killed when a round detonated inside a motar tube during a training exercise at Hawthorne Army Depot in western Nevada, a military commander said at the time.
Though this recording is made up of tunes from the time of his military service during the second world war, it is no mere nostalgic exercise, but rather a solo recital of subtle pleasure, humour and quiet profundity.
ECONOMIST: Our pick of the best, including music by Abdullah Ibrahim
Back in Israel, for the past two weeks some 1, 400 US military personnel have been deployed throughout the country for the biennial Juniper Cobra missile defense exercise with the IDF.
There is a large-scale, combined arms exercise that we conduct annually, and the Australians are a very generous military insofar as access to their bases and to their training facilities are concerned.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with Ben Rhodes and Admiral Robert Willard
Secretary General and his designees have been permitted by the Clinton Administration to make operational decisions about -- and to exercise a veto over -- the use of U.S. and NATO military assets.