That kind of military intelligence collection and analysis is an essential national security function.
Armin Cruz is the first military intelligence operative charged in connection with the abuse scandal.
Even some junior Military Intelligence officers have confided their admiration after seeing her in person.
Also speaking out lately has been Sudibyo, head of the powerful military intelligence agency BAKIN.
This week, a senior Israeli military intelligence official said Assad used chemical weapons last month.
Witnesses told CNN there also were fatal bombings at a military intelligence building and a clinic.
He is being tried together with his then-chief of military intelligence, Mauricio Rodriguez Sanchez.
An Iraqi military intelligence school has been established to produce skilled Iraqi intelligence analysts and collectors.
Within days history confirmed the strength of her faith and the quality of her military intelligence.
Gen Rios Montt's former chief of military intelligence, Gen Jose Mauricio Rodriguez Sanchez, is on trial alongside the ex-leader.
That story originated in the Defense Intelligence Agency, the military intelligence branch of the Pentagon.
Mr Sethi was beaten up and arrested in May, and held by military intelligence.
Israel (let alone Syria) will not look to neutral U.S. observers for military intelligence and early warning.
The opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said rebels ambushed and killed a military intelligence officer there.
American officials deem Mr Zardari corrupt and impotent, and accuse military intelligence of colluding with the Taliban.
But these figures exclude various hidden subsidies and military intelligence and so almost certainly underestimate total spending.
And the U.S. presence through the defense attache and the military intelligence in Iraq was ramped up.
Danon said he could confirm what Israeli military intelligence has reported about Syria's alleged use of chemical weapons.
The breakup of the group is the result of close coordination between Syrian and Lebanon military intelligence services.
She also draws extensively on her scientific background as an anthropologist and her work with US military intelligence.
She now had the rank of colonel in Soviet military intelligence, and was the recipient of numerous medals.
ECONOMIST: Ruth Werner, Soviet spy, died on July 7th, aged 93
The Clinton Administration prohibited the U.S. from providing military intelligence to the government to aid in fighting the insurgents.
Antonio Taguba, has also questioned the role of military intelligence at the prison.
U.S. soldiers who survived captivity were interviewed by the U.S. Military Intelligence Service in Europe after they were liberated.
CNN: Lawmakers to Army chief: Honor soldiers held as slaves by Nazis
Mossad, Israel's military intelligence service, shares information on Syria with its Turkish equivalent.
The helicopter crash occurred near Kirkuk, according to a U.S. military intelligence source.
Israeli military intelligence is thought to be monitoring the area via satellite for any movement of weapons outside Syria's borders.
Thomas Pappas, the commander of the military intelligence unit assigned to Abu Ghraib -- were punished over the aggressive interrogations.
CNN: Former U.S. commander in Iraq calls for truth commission
Itai Brun, the head of research and analysis in Israeli military intelligence, that the lethal nerve agent sarin was probably used.
"Some of the soldiers alluded to military intelligence possibly saying to 'give them the treatment' or soften them up, " Worth said.