Veterans of the battle attended a military parade in their honour, and President Vladimir Putin paid tribute to their heroism.
Alejandro Encinas, the city's current mayor, says he has started trying to get the protesters off Reforma before September 16th's military parade.
Mubarak came to power in 1981, after then-President Anwar Sadat died in a hail of gunfire at a military parade -- killed by Islamic militants from within the army's own ranks after he took the dramatic step of making peace with Israel.
CNN: For Mubarak, once Egypt's strongman, a long fall from grace
An internal report from the Iraqi National Congress, the chief Iraqi opposition group, says that during a televised procession at Baghdad's military parade ground last year, new missiles were displayed, including ones that appeared to violate the U.N. ban on long-range missiles that is meant to prevent Iraq from threatening Europe.
Last year, roughly 200 active-duty and retired military service members marched in the San Diego parade, donning T-shirts to indicate their branch of military service.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have attended a St Patrick's Day parade at a military barracks.
Then what will it take to end this seemingly endless parade of men who harass and undermine military women?
The Defense Department approval to allow service members to wear uniforms at the San Diego parade follows reports that members of the military wore uniforms at a gay pride event held at the Pentagon in June.
Military caterers have baked a cake for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee parade and muster at Windsor Castle.
For Horse Guards Parade, in the heart of Whitehall, has been hosting the Royal Military Tattoo.
Here on Martha's Vineyard, Morgan is well known at this time of year for organizing Edgartown's Fourth of July parade a jubilant celebration of Independence Day and island veterans of military service.