They were fleeing an attack by the Janjaweed, the dreaded Arab militia backed by Sudan's government.
He said al-Sadr's call for a cease-fire to his Mehdi Army militia also reflects such progress.
" In fact, he remembered, the locals referred to the police as "the militia.
The al-Shabab militia confirmed that its leader, Aden Hashi Ayro, was killed along with several others.
Soldiers were actually planning to conduct a routine joint patrol with local militia, said General Wall.
The US Defence Department told the BBC that the ruling militia had produced no proof.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: She sobs as she remembers the day the militia came to kill her sister.
The government is beginning to integrate some of the many militia into national security forces.
The other two women, the ones from the militia, ask the prison guard to withdraw.
He also reported that Sudanese troops were working with militias linked to the government-backed Janjaweed militia.
The chief is faced with murder, a menacing militia and a municipality loaded with soap-opera-like misbehavior.
Recent years have seen conflict between a UN-backed government and the al-Shabab Islamist militia.
In 2002, in a northeastern Congo town called Kisangani, a militia killed at least 103 civilians.
His militia's swift release of a British journalist seized in Basra was another positive sign.
The men of the militia may have been fighters, but they also knew how to party.
Elaborate and often quite beautiful, volunteer militia regalia is in a unique collecting category.
Likewise, the 18th-century French and Indian Wars were fought by militia troops from all the Colonies.
He's already made the statement and he's already acting to take on the Shia militia.
Registration, mandatory inspection of firearms and frequent training were all essential to a well-regulated militia.
Vetiver's Andy Cabic comes off as the quiet lieutenant in Devendra Banhart's bearded freak-folk militia.
Alawite communities increasingly fear for their safety and encourage their young men to join the militia.
Yemen's president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, says members of Lebanon's Iran-backed Hizbullah militia are teaching them.
American forces launched further attacks on the militia led by Muqtada al-Sadr in Karbala and Najaf.
They're a highly secretive Arab militia force that Sudan's government denies it commands.
To this day, different militia often control the mines, selling the minerals into the global supply chain.
You've been hearing in the last week about the militia raids on convoys that were heading north.
The criminal court says Kushayb led several thousand militia members and personally participated in attacks against civilians.
Many belonged to an officially approved militia supposed to support the security forces, and had government-issue weapons.
ECONOMIST: It is hard to imagine Philippine politics without them
There's a room with a dozen cases dedicated to early-19th-century New England militia uniforms, firearms and accoutrement.