We have been feeding our baby on Chinese-produced milk powder for the past 12 months.
India, the largest milk producer, banned milk powder exports to rein in rising prices.
"There is sufficient milk powder available (in the Netherlands), but not always the required brand, " she added.
BBC: Dutch government to probe export of milk formula to China
Estonia has healthy exports of butter, cheese and milk powder - mainly to Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands.
Some advisers called for import tariffs on foreign milk powder to be lowered.
Or make a super calorie-dense smoothie with high-quality protein powder or dry milk powder, frozen yogurt, a banana, and peanut butter.
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Therefore, foreign brand milk powder sells for a huge premium in China.
BBC: Dutch government to probe export of milk formula to China
Their milk boasts a higher fat and protein content which can be used for cheese, skimmed milk powder and other high-fat products.
The Commission plans to extend EU special purchases of butter and skimmed milk powder to at least February next year, to help farmers.
But it was he who seized control when, after 1970, the EEC started sending its surplus milk powder and butter oil to India.
Danone, the manufacturer of Aptamil and Cow and Gate baby milk powder, said most supermarkets were introducing a restriction of two cans per customer.
But surely at least people would get the milk powder anyway?
Families schools businesses and communities need to plan and prepare re food, baby milk powder, elder care, midwifery, dialysis, heart meds and policy on prisoners etc, etc.
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The media in China has touched on various topics - including North Korea's warning to foreigners to evacuate, bird flu, milk powder and the German band Kraftwerk.
The people might not get the milk powder, the families of the USDA might get the milk powder and some of it might well go onto the market.
Italian pasta and Indian rice are sold alongside milk powder from Dubai and reminders of recent aid dependency in the form of cooking oil from the World Food Programme.
"I want to gather information... over the bulk buying and trade in the Netherlands in order to inform Chinese authorities that they are getting batches of milk powder that do not conform to their regulations, " Deputy Economic Affairs Minister Sharon Dijksma said in a statement.
BBC: Dutch government to probe export of milk formula to China
And if they had asked us we would probably have said: well, that's fine provided you make sure it is given to everybody in an even-handed way and that it's not given to the USDA. For example, if you're going to distribute milk powder we certainly don't want the USDA to be the organization through which this milk powder is distributed.
To lower the glycemic index of instant oatmeal, all you have to do is combine it with a little lean protein (add low-fat or fat-free milk or a half-scoop of protein powder after cooking) or healthy fat (top with a tablespoon or two of chopped nuts, which are also good for lowering cholesterol).
On weekday mornings, simplicity is the greatest virtue: Stir together milk, eggs, flour, butter, baking powder and maybe a sprinkle of sugar.
In whipping up a soy-milk-and-blueberry shake from Herbalife's ShapeWorks protein powder, Heber was also promoting the controversial dietary supplement company.
N, a milk-derived source of calcium that it adds to Nesquik's cocoa powder.
Their milk looks and tastes like the real thing, but once its proteins are filtered and purified into a fine white powder, they can be spun into tough thread.