When a shoe makes it, Skechers milks it, producing as many variations as possible.
While mainstream media traditionally milks the latter's action-thrilling appeal, the former have always had their own loyal following.
Contrary to reports, Nestle UK has never requested that retailers limit the supply of SMA powdered infant milks sold to consumers.
The real revelation, though, is Priven, who's so wholly believable he milks any possibility of nervous laughter out of his scenes.
So would he care that the company quickly realized the error of its ways and now milks its Warhol connection to the max?
Hershey skillfully skates the verge of breakdown, Hurt is weirdly funny and dissociated, and Shepard milks his taciturnity for humor as well as tension.
Mr Jones, who currently milks 300 cows, has said he has gone to great lengths to address concerns, and has included measures to monitor flies, the smell and animal welfare.
The title comes from a poem by the feminist poet Forough Farrokhzad, recited during a mysterious scene in which a girl milks a cow in a dark cellar, her face hidden.
Judge it on the first tasting and one would run a mile but there's no arguing with the tens of millions across Africa and the Middle East who regard it as the king of milks.
In families with a history of eczema or food allergies, parents were advised to wait for years before introducing their young children to foods tied to severe allergies, like peanuts, milks and eggs.
Here is yet another role that steers him toward indignity (Uxbal has terminal cancer), but Bardem never milks it, preferring to attend to troubles outside the dying man and to count those blessings that he will leave behind.
Just as three drink sizes and various types of coffees, milks and syrups became the core ingredients that people could customise to suit their own tastes, so Vivanno is aiming to take Starbucks into the smoothie trade (popularised by Jamba Juice) without greatly altering its production methods.