Apart from the formidable aiyla, there is also chyang, a milky rice beer which tastes faintly like cider.
Far below us ran the Tamsa River, milky and swollen from the recent monsoon.
Boats chug through the channels, with the lagoon waters running from milky greens to deep blues.
By 20:30 in the evening, the sky is a blanket of stars and milky-white stains.
We spread the jam on fresh bread from the village and drank milky tea.
It is located in the Milky Way galaxy, about 335 light years from Earth.
This gave them a literally astronomical number of nomadic planets in the Milky Way.
However, the Little Ouse itself had a distinctly milky appearance when I visited in May 2010.
BBC: Little Ouse Headwaters Project restores Suffolk fenland
He saw that the Milky Way, that cloudy streak across the sky, is made of stars.
ECONOMIST: In praise of astronomy, the most revolutionary of sciences
That would imply that tens of billions of such worlds exist in the Milky Way alone.
The globular star clusters that surround the Milky Way also seem to come in two age groups.
At least a dozen such dwarf galaxies are thought to have once surrounded our own Milky Way.
FORBES: Astronomers Confirm Milky Way's Most Distant Stellar Stream
In the most undisturbed areas, some 15, 000 stars are on display as is the sprawling Milky Way.
Most people with this type of albinism have milky white skin, white hair and blue eyes at birth.
It also can help predict how Earth's neighborhood, the Milky Way galaxy, formed and how it might evolve.
Further computer simulations of our Milky Way's central regions are planned to see if it can be explained.
Cirrostratus is a "very subtle" cloud that can be nothing more than a milky whitening of the sky.
The criteria for a dark sky site includes that the Milky Way is visible to the naked eye.
This effectively means that there should be hundreds of intermediate-sized black holes wandering invisibly through the Milky Way.
At a relatively close distance of 2.5 million light-years, Andromeda is very similar in size to our own Milky Way Galaxy.
But the new study suggests that we may be relative latecomers as far as Milky Way biology goes.
More than 60% of the stars in the Milky Way have a companion star around which they orbit.
Every star in the Milky Way glimmers with perfect clarity in the cloudless sky: diamonds flung across black velvet.
Understanding the formation and evolution of the Milky Way's bulge is vital for understanding the galaxy as a whole.
ENGADGET: 9-gigapixel image of the Milky Way reminds us just how small we truly are
They were then despatched towards deep space, in the general direction of the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy.
Try as they might astronomers simply cannot see through these clouds to the centre of our Milky Way galaxy.
So now German researchers have offered up another explanation: a massive explosion that took place within the Milky Way.
It is located about 335 light years from Earth, within the Milky Way.
And there are probably many alien Earths out there to be found in our Milky Way galaxy, researchers say.
Tip to tip, the galaxy spans over 522, 000 light years, making it five times bigger than the Milky Way.