Sharon and Lawrence Tarantino love the Frank Lloyd Wright house they bought in Millstone, N.
However, he added that Searle's most famous creations were a "millstone around his neck".
"Decoupling Tree now is really taking a millstone off the other company's necks, " added Lindsay.
Now that GM is selling only 18.6% of the cars in the U.S., the dealers are a millstone.
The group targets Britain's Huntingdon Life Sciences Laboratory, which has an American facility in East Millstone, New Jersey.
Smucker, the owner of Dunkin Donuts, Folgers, and Millstone coffee brands, announced a 9 percent price increase in August.
"For all Sheffield taxpayers this is a millstone around our necks, " he said.
In the meantime the most innovative tag is a millstone, forcing its share price down despite its enviable economic success.
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Sacha Millstone, senior vice president at Raymond James, doesn't expect to see new car makers in the U.S. or Europe.
Millstone strongly supports the idea of following companies that are run by women and wishes more companies were run by women.
To deal with this millstone, Pirelli will need to do much more than merely service it using Telecom Italia's dividend flows.
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Even some Democrats (such as the fiscally conservative Blue Dog coalition of congressmen) see Obamacare as a millstone around their necks.
Millstone believes (controversially) that men and women approach investments and trading differently.
Millstone : The markets have done what they were "supposed" to do.
Far from being an asset, the McGuinty name has turned into a millstone for the Liberals, and not just in Ottawa South.
An impressive CV now hangs round Ms Kroes's neck like a millstone.
And the defibrillator market, once a steady source of growth, has been stagnant, acting like a millstone for Boston Scientific, which snagged Guidant, and rival Medtronic.
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Frani Margerum, a 58-year-old who lives in Millstone Township, N.
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But in a sport in which everyone seeks an edge, what doesn't seem fair is being rewarded by the powers-that-be with an edge that might be more of a millstone.
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It is now clear that the deputy prime minister, John Prescott, who has carried the transport portfolio like a millstone, will be handing it on after the election that is expected in May.
With regard to spending, not only did massive spending increases under George W. Bush do nothing to stimulate economic growth, they offended many Americans--irrespective of party--who feel budget deficits loom as an economic millstone around our collective necks.
"If the market doesn't like the deal, then the acquiring company's stock price is likely to fall, so that investor would probably need to wait and see if he or she could exit at a better price given a little time, " Millstone says.