But in his mind he still set out fishing, and watched dawn overtake the stars.
"There is no doubt in my mind he is running, none, " said an Iowa union leader who spoke to the Missouri Democrat recently.
"I believe Roger thinks in his mind he can win anything, " said Bollettieri, who also helped develop grand slam champions such as Jim Courier, Monica Seles, and Mary Pierce.
To his mind he was no more a thief of Nature than when, a country boy during the Depression, he had hooked 20-pound channel catfish, now long gone, out of the Chattahoochee River.
In his mind he saw his fixer-upper all fixed up, a gleaming, wood-polished house, a stop on the Oak Park landmark tour, and, sliding down the bannister, into his providing, fatherly arms, Eleanor.
But not only did Sorkin play with the facts far too much for a movie that purported to be about a real company and real people, to my mind he got the underlying reality of Silicon Valley utterly wrong.
What supply-side measures Mr. King had in mind he refused to say, although it is notable that the Treasury last year rejected his advice to underwrite a further recapitalization of the banking system to free up the supply of credit.
Yet the longevity of Giggs, now the proud owner of a 20th major medal spanning his 18 years as a professional, is an achievement in itself bearing in mind he is a winger who has spent his record-breaking days dazzling defenders with trickery, pace, athleticism, movement and power in the most physically demanding league in the world.
Ms. LITHWICK: Well, what he says is he's very concerned, and it's important to bear in mind he has rejected such claims before, he's saying that recent accounts of death row inmates who suffer episodes of very heavy breathing, of heaving chests, long, long periods of time when it's clear that they are not yet anesthetized, concerns him, and he cited specifically the Stanley Tookie Williams execution.
One wondered what he had in mind when he borrowed that money and now we know.
FORBES: Ergen Throws DISHwater on Sprint/Clearwire Soap Opera
If he changes his mind, he can switch over to his own benefits at any time.
He never specified which assets he had in mind but he was probably thinking of equity and property, and perhaps corporate debt.
Mint.com founder and Chief Executive Officer Aaron Patzer said that's just what he had in mind when he started his online money management site.
Jeffrey Skilling 's "big enchilada" has finally come to pass, but testifying on his own behalf was certainly not the dish he had in mind when he used the phrase in the mid-1990s.
As for Mr Hakamada, now 72, he is losing his mind as he languishes in solitary confinement on death row.
Even then, he should bear in mind that he will often still simply be recapturing places that were once faithfully Tory.
At the recent 3-D Summit in Los Angeles, Shyamalan somewhat addressed the criticism of the movie saying that if he could do it again he would have had 3-D in mind when he initially shot the film.
He said Bryant's slur solidified in his mind that he needed to go public.
He said although he had come out for his own piece of mind, he was glad if it had helped others.
Mr Barbour said he was hoping to change the minister's mind when he and other union officials meet her later this month.
"He can come to Farrukhabad but should keep in mind that he has to return too, " he was filmed telling a meeting.
This had not occurred to Foer before, but when he read over the manuscript again with that in mind, he had a feeling his brother was right.
Mr. Gouw says he always had it in the back of his mind that he would move back in with his parents, but, obviously, he says, his wife had to agree.
Once he has the various job-descriptions clear in his mind, he will start haggling with national governments over the candidates to fit them.
Mr Pasqua, no friend to immigrants when he was interior minister, will surely have had that in mind when he decided to go ahead with his separate, right-wing list for the coming Euro-elections.
When he made this admission, there was no doubt in anyone's mind what he meant.
But he said that when the future football stars asked him to change his mind, he was happy to reconsider.